Anywhere but Here


Hey! I'm Christina Bundrick. Yes the little sister of Jake Bundrick of MayDay Parade.

Yeah, I know that they are famous and that they are a great band. I just have one problem about them. Their lead signer Derek Sanders. Why? Well because I think he is an arrogant person who only cares for himself and nobody else. Well maybe his girlfriend Amanda.

Amanda Carmicheal is a preppy little bitch who whines to get her way. She has probably cheated on Derek a million times.

I just finished my first year in college, though I'm taking on-line classes for college.

I love skate boarding and hanging out with my friends. Though I don't skate board much anymore since Jake broke mine. I really haven't gotten around to buying a new one just yet.

I live with my brother and his arrogant friend Derek. I have no other choice but I really don't mind much, well except when Derek is his arrogant self.

My brother and his friends are down in the basement playing their instruments and singing loudly then it gets quiet then loud a little while later.

I went to see if the door was open and saw it was. I closed it and then went to watch some good ole fashion television. Well not ole fashion because the shows I'm watching are newer ones.
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Well Christina had this girl comment and say that she didn't have enough dialog and background information so I offered to help her. She was iffy about it at first but she soon decided that she would take me up on the offer. So today I copied her chapters and pasted them else where for the time being so that I can edit them and then re post them. I hope you have a better feel on this story now.

Oh and by the way Christina wants the story to seem cliche.