Anywhere but Here

Amanda Bobanda

"Jonah, will you come pick me up?" I said into the phone to my best friend, Jonah. Yeah he is a guy and by the way he is gay.

"Of course, sweetie. I'll be there in 15." Jonah said on the other side of the phone.

"Okay. Thank you." I chirped happily.

"Did you and Derek fight again?" He asked through the reciever.

"Of course we did. That's all we do now that Jake decided to let him live with us." I replied with a little anger.

"I'm sorry. What happened to his house anyway?" Jonah asked

"Nothing. They just wanted to live together." I said shrugging, though he couldn't see me.

"Oh. Well, Hun, I'm leaving now and you know how I feel about talking on the phone as I'm driving." Jonah said as I could hear his car start in the background.

"Okay. Bye." I said before I hung up. I was just sitting on the porch swing when I felt it shift a bit.

"Can I talk to you?" I looked over to see Derek's annoying face then turned back towards the street. He knew I wasn't going to talk, "I'm sorry. I really am. Will you forgive me?" I still didn't say anything.

I looked over at him and he was giving me his puppy face. But it wasn't going to work on me. I've seen him give way too many girls that face. I heard a car honk and I looked to see Jonah pull up to the curb. I got up and started walking away when Derek gently grabbed my arm, "Where are you going?"

"Why do you care?" I said. He then did the unexpected. He kissed me. Why would he kiss me? We hate each other. Well I at least thought we hated each other. I pulled away, "What are you doing?" I somewhat growled at him.

"Nothing." he said then walked into the house. I held up my index finger telling Jonah to wait then followed Derek back in the house.

"Stop running away like a coward. Why did you kiss me?" I questioned seeing him go up the stairs. He stopped on the middle stair and turned around.

"I don't want to talk about it." Derek replied nochantly.

"Whatever." I said then walked out the door to Jonah's car. Thinking over what had just happened trying to figure out exactly why Derek would do such a thing.

"What was that?!" Jonah exclaimed as I entered his car.

"I have no idea. And I asked him about it and he's being a freaking coward." I said furrowing my brow in frustration.

"He likes you." Jonah stated.

"No he doesn't. He probably just wanted to get under my skin like always. I hate him so much." I said looking away from Jonah and out the window towards my house. Jonah, then started driving.

"I don't think he'd stoop down that low to kiss you, just to annoy you." Jonah said after driving for a little bit.

"I do." I replied.

***************Derek's POV***************

"Hey, Amanda, umm? I need to talk to you." I said into my phone to my girlfriend.

"Okay." Amanda said happily.

"Meet me at Starbucks in a half hour?" I questioned.

"Okay. Let me go get ready." She replied. Then we hung up then I walked down the stairs where Jake, Brooks, Jeremy, and Alex were sitting.

"Guys, I love her." I said sitting on the couch beside Jake.

"Dude, we know. You've told us a thousand times, plus every other word out of your mouth is Amanda." Alex said in a duh tone.

"No. Not Amanda, Chris. I love Chris." I replied.

"What?!" They all shouted in unison making me jump slightly.

"I don't know how to explain it. I've felt this way for a while." I tried my best to explain.

"What about Amanda?" Brooks asked.

"I'm ending it today. I'm meeting her at Starbucks in a half hour." I replied.

"And if Chris doesn't want you?" Jeremy questioned.

"Then...," I didn't really think about that, "I guess I'll just have to watch her be happy without me." I said pondering what I would really do.

"Are you sure about this? Because my sister hates you." Jake said informing me about what I already know.

"I'm 110% sure plus doesn't the best kind of love start off as hate? But I have to get going. I'll see you all later." I said getting up then grabbing my keys off the end table.

***************Normal POV***************

"So you're telling me that kiss didn't mean anything to you." Jonah questioned me. We were now sitting in his house just hanging around.

"It did not mean anything." I replied.

"Then why did you chase him into the house?" Jonah questioned suspiciously.

"To ask him why he did it." I replied shrugging like it was normal to chase a person who just kissed you and you hate that person.

"Why would you care?" Jonah asked.

"Because we hate each other. And mortal enemies don't kiss each other." I said explaining what I've told him so many times before.

"I don't believe you." Jonah stated.

"Fine. But it didn't change how I feel about him." I defended.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay. I absolutely love this chapter.
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Love Christina. ;)

Editor's note:

I just saw that one person has unsubscribed to the story. I am just fixing what Christina asked me to fix the story isn't going to be much different.