Anywhere but Here

Winners Always Cheat and Cheaters Always Win

I walked into Starbucks where I saw Amanda probably sipping at her way too predictable iced white chocolate mocha, "Hey babe." she said as we hugged then sat down at the table.

"Hey." I blandly said.

"Why did you want to come here?" She questioned as I looked her over. Her brown eyes were so much different from Chris' bright blue. And her blond hair looked like horrible compared to Chris' brown hair.

"I..." I said not able to think of what I was going to say.

"You what, Derek?" She questioned.

"I don't think we should be together anymore." I said finally getting my words straight.

"Oh. Did you find out about Casey?" She questioned like it was no big deal. Wow guess my friends were right about her being a bitch.

"Who is Casey?" I questioned angrily.

"You didn't know?" She asked taken aback.

"No." I said flatly.

"I..., cheated on you." She said scared to say it to my face.

"When?" I snapped.

"A week ago, but it wasn't my fault I was drunk." She said sadly.

"And that makes it okay?" I asked angrily.

"Well, I wouldn't have cheated if I was sober." I stood up and walked out, "Hold on Derek. Don't leave please." She said chasing after me.

"Like it matters if I stay. Go call Casey." I spat while getting in my car. I sped off. Where do we all find love? Where do we all find love? It's hard to be a man but I'm doing all I can.

***************Normal POV***************

"Will you give up on this Derek thing?" I asked Jonah who kept pestering me about it.

"No." He said.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Because I'm your sassy gay friend." He said happily.

"Well...," I could object to that, "Good point. But I don't like him, not even as a friend." I said while grabbing my phone when I heard it vibrate.

Hey. It was a text from Derek.

Uhh? Hi? I replied.

When are you coming home? Derek texted me.

Whenever Jonah feels like driving me. I replied.

I'll come pick you up. Derek.

Okay? When are you coming? Me.

15? Derek.

Okay I then put my phone back down. Me.

"Who was that?" Jonah asked raising an eyebrow.

"Derek, he's coming to pick me up." I replied shrugging.

"He likes you." Jonah stated again.

"No he doesn't. He's probably just telling me that he was just trying to annoy me." I said defying Jonah's words like I had been all day.

"Nope. He likes you." Jonah said again.

"Does not." I protested.

"Too." Jonah sang.

"Not." I protested stomping my foot and pouting.

"Too." Jonah said. We kept going with this until we heard Derek honk his truck from outside of Jonah's house. I hugged him goodbye. Then walked out the door.

"Hey." He said. I looked at him a little and thought that he looked different.

"Whats wrong?" I questioned.

"Amanda cheated on me." He said sadly.

"I'm sorry." I said appologetically.

"Its okay." he said pulling put of the driveway and on to the rode.

"Why is that?" I questioned. Wondering why he is already over her.

"I didn't love her anymore, anyways." He said.

"Since when?" I questioned.

"A while ago." He shrugged.

"Oh." I said quietly.

"It's because I love someone else." Derek stated looking at me through the corner of his eye.

"Oh." I said thinking that this is probably the most civilized conversation we have ever had.

"I'm talking about you." Derek said as we stopped at a stop sign.

"No. No. You don't love me. You hate me. We have always hated each other." I said frightened.

"I don't hate you." Derek stated.

"Yes you do. Just this morning you called me a bitch and I called you a dick. You. Do. Not. Love. Me." I said going against what he just told me. He is just messing with me and I know it.

"Yes I do." He stated.

"Drop me off right here. I'm walking home." I said not wanting to be in the same vehicle as Derek anymore.

"No. Please just listen to me." Derek pleaded.

"I'm not going to listen to your nonsense." I said wanting out of the car.

"Its not nonsense." he said as we were stopped at another red light. He put his hand on my face then kissed me yet again.

"Would you stop? I don't want you to kiss me." I said pulling away quickly.

"Then I won't kiss you. But you have to believe me I love you." He said sighing.

"Okay. I get it you love me. But I hate you." I stated hoping it would make him stop loving me.

"That's okay. I don't need for you to love me back." Derek said.
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Love Christina. ;)