Let's Sleep Till the Sun Burns Out

Chapter 1

*Gerard’s POV*
I stand outside the torn up New Jersey apartments waiting for my little brother and his friend, Hank, or something like that.

"Hey Gee, we're all ready," he giddily tells me.

“Great,” I mutter, throwing my finished cigarette onto the ground.

Mikey’s very little friend walks out of the apartment right after him. Just fucking great. I’m not sure what it is, but I just cannot stand his midget of a friend, and now, he’s coming to live with us.

“Gerard, you remember Frank, right?” Mikey reintroduces me

“Hi” I mumble before stalking off to the car, with them behind me.

“So are you excited, Frankie?” Mikey asks, smiling.

I swear to God this kid is way too fucking happy.

They carry on with their pointless conversation and we finally get to my Silver Subaru and drive to our now overpopulated house.

“Um, so hows it going Gerard?” Frank asks, attempting to make conversation.

“Just fucking great,” I snarl.

I’m not sure why I’m such a bitch to him but I just can’t control it or something. As if reading my mind, Mikey snaps at me and tells me to be less of an asshole.

“Aww, I’m sowwy, did I hurt the little guys feelings?” I pout as fakley as possible.

He looks down at the floor with an expression like a puppy that’s just been kicked and thrown out in the rain.

Damn, why’s he so offended, I can tell he’s regretting ever trying to socialize with me, hell, if I were him I probably would too. However, the hurt look on his face makes me feel remorseful about it, something inside of me is telling me to apologize.

“Look, I’m sorry Frank, I didn’t mean to be such a jerk,” I say genuinely.

He looks up at me with unbelieving eyes “Yeah, okay,”

“I’m serious!” I demand.

What’s wrong with me? One minute I can’t stand the kid and the next I’m pissed that he’s not accepting my apology. What the fuck is up with that?

I continue to drive and the rest of the car ride home is silent. Once we get there, Frank unloads the remainder of his stuff into Mikey’s room, as I trudge up the stairs into my sunless room. I throw off my faded black Misfits hoodie and lay on my bed thinking about nothing and everything all at the same time.

My thoughts are soon interrupted by a knock on the door. I get up from my broken in bed and make my way to the door. I swing it open to see Mikey standing there, that damn smile still plastered on his face.

“Hey Gee, you wanna come watch Beetlejuice with us?” he inquires.

Beetlejuice, my favorite movie, there’s no way I can resist.

“Sure,” I say, already walking down the stairs, making my way to the living room.

We all lay on the pull out couch, waiting for someone to give in and go make popcorn. Soon enough, Mikey gets up to go into the kitchen and pauses the movie, leaving me and Frank in awkward silence.

The quiet was broken by the sound of Franks voice.

“Hey, Gerard,” he begins cautiously “how come you hate me?”

Damn, great way to make me feel like shit.

“C’mon, I don’t hate you,” I tell him

“Wow, could have fooled me!” he shoots

“Ug, I don’t hate you, I don’t really know you, but I don’t hate you!” I assure him

“Really?” he smiles hopefully

“Besides, your too cute to hate” I joke

He blushed wildly at my remark and brought his eyes to the floor.

“So, do you hate me” I ask, hoping that I already knew the answer would be no.

“Of course not” he answers instantly

“Good” I smile, pulling him into a quick hug. I see his cheeks flush red again.

Alright, I admit, he’s cute. But there is absolutely no way that I have or will ever allow myself to get feeling for him.