Let's Sleep Till the Sun Burns Out

Chapter 10

*Franks POV*

I climb out of the shower and put on my boxers. Fuck! I forgot to put some pajama pants in the wash today . I should go see if Gee will loan me a pair of his. Hopefully he still isn’t mad at me maybe now is my chance to talk to him about earlier and redeem my mistake. I slowly creep into Gerard’s room trying not to trip over the mess strewn across the floor.

“Gee? Are you awake?” I question into the silence. No answer

So I continue my way through the mess. He really should clean it in here some day. As I slowly begin to make my way through the trail of pizza boxes ,candy wrappers , clothes and crumpled up pieces of paper I hear Gerard’s even breathing which informs me that, in fact, he is asleep.

As I get closer to the bed I realize that the person that is laying in Gerard’s bed is not Gerard. Trying to figure out who the intruder is, I lean closer and closer until our faces are almost touch.

“HOLY FUCK WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!!!!” the stranger screams and throws me back into the pile of garbage surrounding Gerard’s bed.

“I SHOULD BE ASKING YOU THE SAME DAMN THING!!!!!!!!” I yell rubbing my head.

“What going on?!” Gerard asks quickly jumping up from the other side of the bed.

“Who the fuck is this?” I ask, pointing to him.

“Okay. Calm down guys there is nothing wrong here. Adam this is Frank, Frank this is Adam.” Gerard says trying to catch his own breath.

Instead of exchanging hello’s and how do you do’s we glare heavily at each other.

“What’s up Frank?” Gerard asks noticing the tension between us.

“Well I was going to see if you have any pajama pants I can borrow but never mind I will sleep in my boxers.” I pout storming out of the room.

Who the hell is sleeping in Gerard’s room. Let alone his bed?! I admit I am extremely jealous of Adam or whoever that was but I am more hurt that Gerard would let a stranger sleep in his bed.

Still fuming, I take the little velvet box out of its bag and wrap it as best I can which turns out to not be so good. I stick a little tag on it and label it
To: Gerard
<3 ?

If I’m lucky he will probably think his precious little Adam got him some nice expensive ring…….