Let's Sleep Till the Sun Burns Out

Chapter 11

*Gerard’s POV*

“Did I just get attacked by a midget?” Are the first words out of Adam’s mouth as soon as Frank exits my room. Iflirtatiously giggle and nod my head yes.

He smiles back then takes a slightly serious tone, “So, um, tomorrow,” he begins nervously, “I could leave if you want, I mean, I’m sure you have better people to hang out with than me.” he states wearily, afraid of how I’m going to respond.

“Meh, I don't have many friends, I say we fuck everyone else, and just go somewhere, forget everything else.” I’m not sure where that came from, but I like it, and apparently so does Adam.

He lifts his eyes to meet mine and I see his lips twitch upward, forming a small “Really?” he asks

“Well if you want to” I reply

“Yeah, that sounds great” his smile grows wider and I smirk back.

“Alright, but we should leave before everyone gets up, to avoid questions and deadly glaring matches” I say, referring to the incident that occurred only a few minutes ago.

He blushes a bit “That’s probably a good idea.”

I smile a yet again, and soon find myself drifting off into a light sleep next to my new friend.

I groggily open my eyes the next morning and see that it’s 5:37 in the morning. Perfect timing.

I sit up and yawn while running my hair through my long black hair. I look to Adam, who’s still fast asleep, since we should probably leave soon, I shake him awake gently.

He opens his eyes slightly. “Where the fuck am I?” he groans. “Your at my house.” I remind him. “Gerard?” he asks, puzzled. I slowly nod my head and he sits up, causing the blanket to fall, revealing his chest, and I force myself not to look.

“Wow I thought that was a dream,” he yawns, stretching out. “Oh, we should prolly leave soon, huh?”

“Yep, I have some clothes you can borrow,” I say gesturing toward my dark closet. “And we can go to your house and pick up some of you clothes too if you want.”

He scrunches up his face and ponders this for a moment. “I guess,” he sighs heavily.

“Whatever you want.” I say, before hopping out of bed and grabbing clothes to change into. I silently walk to the bathroom, deciding it’d be best if I didn’t watch him change. I must admit, he is fucking gorgeous.

I slip into a clean pair of boxers, followed by the tightest pair of jeans I own, not that I was trying to look good for him or anything…

I throw on a random band shirt, followed by a black hoodie. I brush my teeth and run a comb through my stringy hair. When I get back he’s already dressed in one of my Black Flag shirts and a pair of my gray skinny jeans, which look amazing on his slender form, and is waiting patiently for me on the bed.

“Ready to go?” I check. He nervously nods him head. “Are you scared?” I ask sympathetically. He told me yesterday about most of the shit he went through at home.

He averts his eyes to the floor and moves his head up and down again. I walk to where he’s sitting and entwine our fingers together. “It’ll be okay, I’m here for you.” I assure him.

He blushes and looks at me “Thank you.”

We tiptoe down the stairs and grab some pop tarts before heading out to my car.

“Oh, I almost forgot, merry Christmas.” I smile

“Oh, yeah, merry Christmas, wow I forgot all about that.” he shakes his head in disbelief.

After he gives me the directions to his house, we sit there in silence.

“So where are we going anyways?” he asks, breaking the quietness.

“Yoooooou’ll seeeeeee!” I say in a singsong voice.

“Your not gonna take me to some cheap motel, tie me up the bed, rape me, then kill me, are you?” he jokes

I laugh “I wasn’t gonna kill you”

He giggles “Okay, good, the other part sounds like fun then,” he winks

We both laugh, until we finally reach his house. It looks nice, big, painted an inviting color, but who knows what lies inside.

After he hastily gets out of the car, I follow him up to the hollow wooden door and he slowly turns the brass knob.

I expect scary music and a creeky door with the tension that's filling the air now.

Once he swings open the door, I see a man on the couch who I’m assuming to be his father, surrounded by empty bottles of rum and whiskey. Drunk at 6 in the morning, on Christmas, wow, now that’s class.

“Well, well, well! God damn fag boy is back!” he says, getting up from his spot lodged in to sofa.

“Adam says nothing and continues to his room, “And who is this?” he drunkenly slurs, gesturing toward me. “One of your cheap faggot fucks?” he spits.

“Shut the fuck up Don‘t talk about him like that!” Adam screams, defending me, only to be met with his so-called dad’s open palm colliding with the right side of his face.

“Don’t you defend him you fucking pansy! You remember what happens when you back sass me!” he shouts, causing Adam to cringe at the memory of whatever happened.

“Now apologize you little fairy!” he demands, raising his fist. I rush over to Adam’s side, hearing his deep breaths.

“And what do you think your doing faggot?” his “dad”, if you could even consider this man a parent, snarls, and before I have time to do anything, my cheek is met with his fist, luckily he misses my jaw. Adam stands there wide eyes and terrified. The bold, and probably stupid, side of me takes over and I curl my hand into a fist, and swing, hitting his “dad” square in the jaw.

He falls to the floor, partly in pain, partly because of the alcohol. We take this opportunity to run to his room, once we get in, he slams his door shut and locks it tightly.

“Get all the stuff you can, your staying with me.” I say, not bothering to ask if he wants to or not. He complies and begins throwing all the stuff he can into two backpacks the had in his closet, tears streaming down his face as he does so.

“I’m so sorry” he manages to choke out

I walk over to him and place my arms around his waist. He collapses into my chest and sobs heavily. I run my hands though his blonde hair. “Shh, it’s okay,” I coo softly. After a few minutes, he pulls away and finishes packing.

We choose to leave through the window in his room, because there’s no way he can deal with him again.

Once we get to my car, he throws his stuff into the backseat of my car and jumps into the car and we leave as fast as possible.

“Do you go through that, everyday?” I ask, scared of the answer.

He nods his head, “I must deserve it though…” he states in a melancholy tone.

“No one deserves that, especially you.” I tell him.

He smiles “Thank you, so much, for everything, you have no idea how much all this means.

“Your welcome” I say, unable to think of any other response.

And with that, we drive off to a place I’ve never told anyone about, let alone taken anyone to. Even though this isn’t my original plan, I figure it’s right.

So now we’re on our way to my personal heaven.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just to let everyone know, I’m writing all of Gerard’s POV’s (odd chapters) and my friend Emily is writing the even ones.