Let's Sleep Till the Sun Burns Out

Chapter 13

*Gerard’s POV*
Adam and I drive for about twenty more minutes in a comfortable silence before we finally arrive at the spot I had discovered years ago.

I first stumbled upon it about 3 years ago, after my parents died. I needed to blow off steam so I just hopped in my car and left, after about two hours of driving no where, my car ran out of gas. So while I waited for AAA to arrive I began to wander around, and somehow found an old abandoned shed. Being the horror junkie that I am and was, I thought it a great idea to go inside and see what evil was lurking in it. Imagine my disappointment when all I found were a few empty beer bottles, dust, and some eerie-looking spider webs.

Anyway, suddenly feeling completely drained, I sat down and just thought, now every time I need to think about something, I drive down here, and I’m not sure what it is, but whenever I leave I always feel a lot better.

But, back to reality, after I told Adam the little story about me miraculously locating this place, he seemed a bit more willing to come inside.

We had brought some food along and there was a blanket in my car, so we choose to have a little picnic on the floor.

And of course the blanket that was in the car just had to be a Power Puff Girls comforter (that was in my car because I was throwing it out, I swear!) that I had insisted on getting when I was like 5. Jeeze, talk about the gayest kid alive!

I blush insanely as he spreads it across the floor, while giggling hysterically.

“So..do you have a sister?” he asks through bits of laughter

I burrow my eyebrows together and pout.

“Ooooh, I see, you are the sister in your family!” he exclaims

“Hey!” is my only comeback before I start laughing along with him.

After finally regaining ourselves, we settle down and eat.

When were finished he leans up against a wall and I lay my head in his lap.

“It doesn’t feel like Christmas.” he says randomly, but in a tone to where I can’t tell if he’s happy about that or not.

“I’m sorry.” I say

“No, it’s good, trust me, Christmas at my house is nothing to look forward to, ever since my mom married that asshole when I was 12, the holidays pretty much suck.” he states, while running his hands through my hair.

“Is he always like that?” I ask

“Only when he’s drunk”


“But he’s always drunk.”
I feel pretty bad, especially since I was pretty hammered just the other night, and I’m almost positive I’m not the nicest person when I’m that smashed.

“Do you drink?” he asks innocently

Fuck, do I tell him the truth, do I lie, do I promise to stop.

The mental battle in my mind quickly ended and I opt for the truth .

“I’m on my way to becoming a growing alcoholic” I tell him honestly.

I expect him to get angry or sad or something, but his voice remains monotone.


“It makes me happy”

“Your not happy?”

“Not really”

“Me neither, but I’m pretty happy when I’m hanging out with you.”

His comment causes a smile to spread across my face.

“I’m happy when I hanging out with you too”

“Then you should stop drinking”

I stay silent for a moment

“I’ll try” I say truthfully

He nods his head “Hey Gerard?” he ask, his voice now in a more playful tone

“Hmm?” I hum

“Tonight…” he beings “can we sleep with that sexy blanket?” he finishes, laughing

I giggle along with him

“We should probably get going, huh?” he asks

“Yeah, I guess we had better at least wish Mikey and Frank a merry Christmas” I sigh, not wanting this to end.

We load everything back into the car and start home.

On the way, I can’t help but smile and glance at Adam every few minutes while he’s singing joyfully along to the music blaring from the radio.

He is amazingly cute.