Let's Sleep Till the Sun Burns Out

Chapter 14

*Franks POV*

After talking with Mikey for some reason I feel alot better about what happened with Gerard. He would be alot better off with Adam and even though I still really like him I want him to be happy.

"So, Christmas day is almost over and my brother still isn’t home so do you want to just go ahead and open presents?" Mikey asks with a shy smile.

"Yeah sure why not."

I hear the door open as we begin to separate the presents into piles. Wow, poor Mikes. His pile is unusually small. Gerard and Adam walk in and sit on the couch.

"Mind if we join you?" Adam asks with a smile on his face I can’t tell if he genuinely means it or if he just wants to make a good impression on Gerard.

Against my better judgment I decide to let them join. It is Christmas after all and maybe I was wrong about Adam. So, I just shrug.

"Gerard this one is for you. Looks like you get to open the first present. It doesn’t say who it’s from."

Mikey says handing Gerard the little velvet black box that I bought him for Christmas. Let’s see if he can figure out who it’s really from.

He unties the bow I so lazily wrapped around it and tosses it aside. With Adam leaning over his shoulder he opens the box and grins widely.

“Wow, who is this from? Why wouldn’t they want me to know who it’s from? I love it.” He gushes making me feel some what happy inside.

“Well maybe they didn’t want you to find out because they aren’t sure how you would react to something like that.” Adam says leaning back on the couch

“Well, I don’t see why someone would think that I wouldn’t like this present, it’s gorgeous. It must have cost a fortune.” He is smiling.

He must think it’s from Adam. Great, Mikey sees the disappointment fall across my face and decided to cover for me quickly.

“I know who bought it for you.” He states bluntly.

“Who? Are you going to tell me so I can tell whoever it is thank you?” He asks glancing at me noticing how quiet I have been.

“I did it.” I confess earning a shocked look from Gerard.

“Well thank you so much Frank I love it.” Wow, what a time to be a gentleman Gerard, Probably just putting on a show for Adam.

“It was no trouble really. Don’t worry about it.” I shrug biting my lip ring.

He looks at me with an astonished look on his face. Why is he so surprised?

Later, after opening all of the presents we all trudge upstairs to go to bed. Not wanting to sleep on the couch anymore, I have been sleeping in Mikey’s room on an extra mattress on the floor which is a lot more comfortable then the couch I have to admit.

After laying in the darkness for a few minutes I hear Mikey sigh heavily. So he is still awake.

“You okay Mikes?” I whisper in the darkness.

“Yeah I am fine Frank thanks for asking.” He says after a minute.

Does he expect me to buy that?

“Enough with the lies Mikey what’s wrong?” I demand sitting up in bed and switching the light on.

“Nothing that you would want to hear.” He hisses bitterly turning away from the light.

What’s up with all the bitterness towards me all of a sudden? Did I do something wrong?

“Whoa, wait a minute. What did I do wrong all of a sudden to make you so mad at me?” I demand. There is no way I am going to let this go so quickly now.

“Do you really want to know what’s wrong with me Frank?” he asks sitting up quickly.

All I can do is nod.

“I don’t see why you waste your time on my brother. I understand that you like him and all but he’s not worth it Frank. You can do so much better then him I know you can. You are a great guy Frank and all he does is just hurt you. If he does it on purpose or not I don’t know, but please. Just try to move on.” He pleads.

I feel anger boil up inside of me. Who the hell does he think he is? He has no idea what its like.

“You don’t understand Mikey you just don’t.” I say through gritted teeth.

“Well please inform me Frank because I want to know.” Is he about to cry?

“I don’t want to do better then Gerard. Besides whom do you think would like me? Huh, answer me that please.” I demand letting my anger get the better of me. Calm down Frank.

“I do. Frank I like you. I have been trying to tell you that for the longest time. I want you. Not Gerard. He just enjoys having you trail after him while he has his fun with Adam, Frank he doesn’t love you. Not like I do.” Tears are now flowing down his face.

What the hell am I supposed to say to that?

“I don’t know Mikey, I just don’t know. Give me some time to think about it please.” I say turning the light back off. I really don’t want to see him cry, especially over me.

How can I be so stupid not to see what I can have right in front of me? Mikey has been there for me no matter what. When I would run away from home I would always come here. When I got mad at him for stupid reasons, he always told me I was right even if I wasn’t. Maybe I should give him a chance.

“Mikey?” I whisper in the silence.

“What?” His voice sounds so broken.

“I’m so sorry Mikey, please forgive me.” I plead into the darkness.

“No Frank not this time, not until you realize what I told you is the truth.” He sniffles.

“I do. You are right Mikey. I don’t love Gerard, I guess I just pursued who ever made me feel better about myself at the time I just overlooked one very important person. The one who matters, You, Mikey, you have always been there for me. But I can’t be your boyfriend right now. Not until I fully get over Gerard.” I say reaching on his bed to touch his forehead lightly.

“Okay, Frank I forgive you. And I will wait for you okay?”

“Okay. Good night Mikey.” I say feeling a smile on my face.

“Good night Frank.”