Let's Sleep Till the Sun Burns Out

Chapter 15

*Gerard’s POV*
Wow, I must say, I’m shocked that Frank would do something so amazingly sweet. But honestly, my feelings for him have been significantly decreasing, and I’m really confused.

He obviously likes me, and I don’t want to hurt him, but we’ve never even talked, as far as I can tell, there’s nothing between us except some random physical attraction.

Adam and I on the other hand, have an incredible connection, I can talk to him about anything, and as lame as it may sound, I find myself constantly smiling when I’m with him.

I’m not even sure why I’m having this mental debate, it’s pretty apparent that Adam and I should be together.

Maybe I do like the attention Frank gives me, but leading him along is just going to hurt him more.

See, I can be smart sometimes!

Anyway, right now I’m standing alone on the porch with my cigarettes consumed with thoughts, while Adam’s in the shower because “that warehouse is infested with germs!”

I hear the familiar click of the door and see a very confused looking Frank walk out, causing immediate tension to flow through the air.

“Oh, um, h-hi” he stutters

“Hey, what’s up?” I reply

“Just trying to think” he sighs

Awkward silence.

“So…where did you and Adam go today?” he asks

“Oh, just out and around, you know…nothing special” I tell him, not wanting to give away my hiding spot.

“Oh” he says disappointed

“Are you and Adam together?” he blurts out, his eyes widening at his own ability to ask

Hmm, what to say, what to say?

I settle with a hesitant “no”

More silence falls upon us.

“Well goodnight” he says while throwing the last of his cancer stick onto the ground and heading inside.

There would never be that kind of weirdness between Adam and I.

A few minutes later, I do the same with my smoke and make my way to the kitchen.

Naturally, I throw open the door to the liquor cabinet and grab a bottle of Vodka, I put the cool glass up to my lips.

Normally, I would take a large swig of it, but before I do so, I think of the amazing blonde haired boy right upstairs who asked me to stop my drinking habits.

I think of his so-called father, drunk at 6 in the morning.

But I could never end up like that, right?

Just one swig of the clear liquid wouldn’t hurt, I tilt the bottle upward and let the bitter taste overcome my mouth, stinging the back of my throat.

I quickly swallow it down and return the bottle back to its place on the shelf.

Making my way upstairs, I try to hold onto the taste as long as possible, well I’m definitely not drunk, probably not even buzzed.

The shower is no longer audible, so I’m guessing Adam’s already in bed.

Sure enough, when I walk though the door he’s already sleeping peacefully.

I crawl in next to him and immediately doze off into dream world.

“Wakey wakey Geraaaaaard!” is what I’m woken up to, but I refuse to open my eyes.

“Get uuuuup! I’m boooored!” he whines

I open my eyes to see Adam straddling my waist. Whoa if I weren’t half asleep, I would be extremely turned on.

“Your awake!” he smiles giggly

“Uggg” I groan

“Get up!” he pouts before deciding to jump out of the bed and attempt to pull me out as well.

“Fine I’m awake, I’m awake!” I convince, before I completely fall off the bed.

“Finally,” he sighs

“Well, what do you want to do now that you woke me up?” I yawn

“Lets make cookies!” he shouts excitedly

Fuck, this guy is definitely a morning person.

“Why do you want to make cookies this early?” I ask

“It’s like 12:30, I’ve been awake for almost 4 hours” he says

“Damn…” I mutter “well, lets go make cookies then”

“Yee!” he squeals clapping his hands together

I get ready and walk downstairs and he already has all the ingredients out.

“Excited much?” I giggle
He nods his head hurriedly.

Once the batter is all made, he sticks his finger in the bowl and wipes a clump of cookie dough on my face

“Ewwww” I whine

He simply smiles and gets more then throws it at me.

I pout and reach in the bowl myself, pretty soon over half of the bowl in gone and we have somehow made it to the floor, with me pinned underneath him

We’re both laughing hysterically at this point, after we manage to contain ourselves, I’m still beneath him, but now our foreheads are together, and our lips just inches apart.

“So, what would you do if I kissed you?” he asks sheepishly

“Well,” I boldly answer “I would probably kiss you back, then run my tongue across your lower lip until your parted your mouth, then I would slip my tongue in and massage your tongue gently with mine, until we had to break apart. But, that’s just hypothetical, right?”

He smile and presses his lips against mine, in the most earth-shattering kiss I’ve ever experienced.

Sure enough, my tongue glides across his bottom lip and he parts his mouth, allowing me access. Our tongues dance together in a heat of passion, until we finally pull away for oxygen.

“Soooo….” he begins

“Soooo….” I continue

“Gee, will you be my boyfriend?” he asks

“Of course” I grin, bringing him down for another fiery kiss.

It’s so lustful that I barley hear a loud sigh and footsteps trailing away in the background.

Once we finally retreat from our spot on the floor, we put the cookies in the oven and go into the living room, our fingers entwined together.

Frank is alone in the silent room.

“What going on?” I ask

“Nothing” Frank snaps

What did I do?

“Are you alright?” I inquire

“Just fucking fine” he responds

“Can I talk to Frank alone real quick?” I ask my new boyfriend

“Sure” he smiles and I peck him lightly on the cheek before he walks out.

“What the fuck is your problem?” I ask

“Nothing” he rolls hiss eyes

“Bullshit, what, are you jealous?” I ask, coming to a conclusion

“Of course I’m fucking jealous, your ask me to be your boyfriend one day, then the next your off running around with Adam. What did I do?”

“Umm, rejected me.”

“Do you blame me? You were a total asshole to me before that.”

“It’s not like you’ve ever made an effort of actually get to know me, why do you want to go out with me now?”

“Good question, I could do way better than you” he adds extra venom to the ‘you’


“Well then go ahead!” I shout, now extremely pissed


“And take your ring back”

I slip the metal band off my finger and throw it at him.

“I will, I never should have wasted my money on a sadistic fucking whore!”

Holy shit

My face falls considerably, and I feel a lump forming in my throat

“Whatever” I sigh, hurt

“Gerard, I didn’t mean it, I’m really sorry” he apologizes immediately

I nod my head

“Really, I didn’t mean it” he pleads repetitively

“Please forgive me, I was just jealous!” he convinces and I think I see tears forming in his eyes

“Ok” I mutter, walking out to find my boyfriend.

Moments later, I hear Mikey talking to Frank, I know I shouldn’t eavesdrop, but……

At first, it’s just random mumbling, but then they take a serious tone

“Hey Mikes…” I hear Frank begin


“I think…I like you too…” he finishes

“Really? Mikey asks happily

I assure Frank is nodding his head when I hear a small silence.

“And..I want to be your boyfriend…” Frank states

Mikey then squeals in delight

“I love you”

“I love you too”

Yeah…I’m the whore.

**[a/n] your comments help form the story! And thank you to everyone who's reading!**