Let's Sleep Till the Sun Burns Out

Chapter 16

*Franks POV*

Now i can be happy, me and Mikey are together. Maybe now i wont have to sleep on the floor.

"So, what do you want to do?" I ask trying to break the ice.

"I have to go to work. So i love you, I will see you later." Mikey says kissing me before leaving.

I sigh and sit down on the couch and feel the ring imprinted in my pocket. I take it out and toss it behind the couch. It means nothing now.

Now. What to do until Mikey gets home? I flip through the channels on the tv. Nothing on as usual. I have no books to read as I need to go to the bookstore so reading is out. Hm.

Finally figuring that my appetite has won the mental battle and smelling something delectable I make my way into the kitchen and see Adam pulling the cookies out of the oven.

"Mind if i join you?" I ask.Maybe i should try to make friends with Adam. I have nothing else to do.

"Uhh sure." He says apparently not sure what my intentions are. Evil or not.

"Thanks can i have one of them cookies?" I ask reaching for one.

He hands me one skeptically.

*1 hour later*

We are laughing and joking like friends in no time. Maybe he isnt all that bad.

"So. Are we like, cool?" He asks sipping milk.

"Yeah. i Guess i just thought you were here to take Gerard away from us but now i know better so i apologize."

He looks surprised.

"Yeah its okay i cant blame you." As soon as the words escaped his mouth we hear a sigh from the stairs.

We both turn around to see Gerard looking surprised at out newfound friendship.