Let's Sleep Till the Sun Burns Out

Chapter 17

*Gerard’s POV*

I walk down the stairs after taking a shower and changing my clothes to get all that sticky cookie dough off when I see a sight I never expected to see. Frank and Adam genuinely getting along. I must say I’m appalled at their sudden friendship, but also really relieved. Hopefully now things will be less tense and weird when we’re all together.

I make my way into the kitchen, stepping across the cool tile floor over to my boyfriend. “Hey guys, mind if I join you?” I ask.

“Not at all, Frank was just telling me about how he tried to chase some woman who stole his sweater down the mall and ended up in mall jail,” Adam giggled then proceeded to snake his pale arm around my waist, pulling my onto his lap.

I snort out in laughter “Did he tell you about how terrified he was of that mall cop?”

“Hey, even you said he was scary!” Frank laughed, cutting in.

After a few more minutes of reminiscing about Franks run-in with the mall law, I looked over at the now empty tray of what used to be cookies on the table.

I gasp loud and dramatically “You guys ate all the cookies?!”

“Sorry hun” Adam smiles teasingly. I turn my head so I’m facing him and pout, sticking out my tongue.

“Is that and offer?” he grins

“And if it?” I wink, placing kisses along his jaw line.

“Mm then you may have to find a new seat” he moans softly, forgetting Franks being-there

I seductively move my mouth up and nibble on his earlobe, his weak spot, causing him to groan loudly.

“Ahem” Frank coughs, snapping us out of the oblivion we had to his presence.

“Sorry” we mutter in unison, our cheeks flushing red.

He laughs, signaling to us that its ok. “So…are we all friends now?” he asks hopefully “or are you still mad at me?”

I inwardly sigh at the question, his words hurt me, but I am really sick of all the drama.

“No, I’m not mad” I smile as tr ue as I could be “So I guess we’re all friends now!”

“Thanks Gee” he grins

“Why were you mad at him?” Adam inquires quizzically

“Nothing, everything’s fine now” I assure him, not wanting to cause a dent in their newfound friendship.

He wraps his arms comfortingly around my waist “Hmm, okay” he responds

“I still want a cookie” I sigh to which everyone laughs.

“Hey, do you guys want to go watch a movie?” Frank asks

“Sounds good to me, you about you, babe?” says Adam

“Yeah, which movie?” I ask

“How about Beetlejuice!” Adam exclaims, suggesting one of both of our favorite movies.

“Yeah!!” I smile excitedly. Its been years since I’ve seen that movie.

“Alright” Frank replies “I’ll go set it up and you two get some snacks”

“To bad we can’t have cookies!” I yell to him as he walks into the living room

Adam and I get up from our spot on the wooden chair and I walk toward the cabinet and grab abag of popcorn.

“We should be rebels.” Adam states clearly

“What? How?” I ask, puzzled

“We should cook the ‘This Side Up’ side of the popcorn down!”

“Hmm, I’ve never tried that”

“Me neither”

“Well what’s gonna happen?”

“I guess we’ll see”

He removes the plastic from around the bag and places and sets the popcorn purposely upside-down in the microwave and presses it on for 4 minutes.

“What’s happening?” I whisper because it seems to fit the mood while standing with my face just inches away from the clean microwave.

“I don-”


The food gives an all too loud pop, scaring the fuck out of me! I jump back and somehow Adam manages to catch me in his arms before I collide with the floor.

“Are you alright?” he asks attempting to control his laughter

“Yeah” I tell him before bursting out into fits of giggles

Pretty soon we hear the familiar “beep beep beep” signaling us that it’s ready, so I remove myself from Adams arms and I cautiously open the smoky microwave and remove the hot bag of popcorn. Unfortunately the bag is black and burnt and not popped at all.

“Eh I don’t feel like popcorn anyway” I say, throwing the crispy bag into the trash.

I lace our fingers together and we walk into the living room where Frank is waiting patiently for us to start the movie.

“No popcorn?” he asks

“Umm no” I answer

I lay on the couch and pull Adam onto me while Frank sit on the other end.

We get about half way into the movie, when the front door swings open and in walks Mikey, drawing every ones attention, with a guy who has black and red hair and snakebites.

“Hey everyone” Mikey begins “ This is my friend from work, he just got kicked out…and doyouthinkhesayhere?” he finishes quickly

“Umm sure” I say

“He’s sleeping on the couch” Frank grumbles

“Thank you guys, so much” the boy gushes

“I’m Sonny, by the way.”