Let's Sleep Till the Sun Burns Out

Chapter 19

[[Second update of the day!]

*Gerard’s POV*

This Sonny character is one strange person.

He only looks around 17, but it’s quite obvious that he’s a druggie.

I know the type all too well, and most of them make me fucking sick, mostly because of my ex boyfriend.

I’m slightly worried about how Mikey is acquainted with this coke-nose, I’ve never seen him at the book store where my little brother works.

It’s pretty obvious, however, that Mikey has a total thing for him, the disappointment etched on his face when Sonny told us he is straight was a dead giveaway. I feel bad for Frank, I can’t imagine how he feels, he can clearly see the lust in his boyfriends eyes directed to the newest addition to our household.

I really don’t mind Sonny living here, as long as he’s not doing drugs here, but I’m starting to feel like I’m living in a fucking flop-house!

“Gerard? Gerard!” Mikey yells, sucking me out of my traveling thoughts

“Hmm?” I hum, turning my attention to him

“I asked what kind of pizza you want for dinner,” he says, apparently repeating himself

“Oh, umm I don’t care, whatever” I respond

“Are you alright, hun?” Adam whispers in my ear

“Yeah, why do you ask?” I softly say back

“You just seem….out of it…” he replies

“I know Sonny” I quietly admit to him

“How?” he asks

“Him and my ex..” I begin

“What did he like cheat on you with him?” he asks cutting into my sentence

“No, they had the same dealer,” I mumble even quieter than before

“So is he still….” Adam trails off

“Using? Probably, just look at his eyes,” I point out, remembering how Bert’s eyes always looked after he snorted up a line of his powdery heaven.

“Did you ever…?” he wearily asks

“No, mostly because I hated how Bert got when he did it,” I confide in him, trying not to remember the awful things he would do.

“Gerard! Fucking pay attention!” Mikey snaps because it seems as if he was talking to me again

“What?!” I growl angrily

“I asked if I could borrow your car tomorrow!” he says in a mad tone

“What the fuck do you want my car for?” I hiss

“I’m letting Sonny use mine and I need to get to work tomorrow,” he says as if I’m stupid

“Don’t you guys work together?” Adam cuts in

“Yeah…but…Sonny has to do something” he quickly reasons

“Whatever” I snarl

Drugs. Drugs. Drugs.

Everything is silent and all the everyone he is noticeably uncomfortable. I thought all this drama was going to be over!

We unpause the movie yet again and resume watching until the pizza gets here.

After everyone grabs some, I notice that Sonny didn’t take a single piece.

“Aren’t you gonna have some?” I ask him politely, already knowing that he would refuse because the glass doesn’t give you much of an appetite.

“Umm, no, I’m fine,” he smiles falsely, to which I knowingly smile back.

After a while Bob and Ray and leave and Adam and I make our way into my room.

“So, your sure Sonny’s using?” he asks, not wanting to believe it

“Positive.” I reply calmly

“Are you…scared?” he questions

“Of what? That scrawny kid trying to attack me or something?” I laugh, he just shrugs his shoulders and we climb into the warm bed for the night.

[[A/N I just want to thank tw!sted.l!fe. , baysway, and adora68 for their comments! You guys are helping shape the story! And thank you to everyone who’s reading!
-Danielle <3]]