Let's Sleep Till the Sun Burns Out

Chapter 21

*Gerard’s POV*

My eyes flutter open to the darkness of my room, revealing my sleeping boyfriend curled up in my arms and the red numbers of the clock telling me it was 6:39 in the morning. It’s too fucking early, but I know that I’m not going to be able to get back to sleep now, I never can. Being careful, so I don’t wake Adam, I unwrap my arms from around his small figure and place a small kiss gently on his forehead, and reluctantly throw my legs over the side of the bed, sitting up. Still half asleep, I rub my eyes then stretch my arms out before getting up and throwing on a pair of sweats and making my way out of the room and down the stairs. I grab my cigarettes and lighter off the counter and look over to see the couch empty. Sonny must have left already.

I step onto the porch in the still dark morning sky and much to my surprise, am met with the face of my least favorite member of this house, fully dressed, with keys in one hand and a cigarette in the other.

“Morning” he says venomously.

I narrow my eyes, lighting my smoke “Morning”

“What are you doing up so early?” he asked suspiciously

“Couldn’t sleep,” I answer “where are you going?”

“And that concerns you why?” he snaps in a childish tone that matches his personality

“I know all about you,” I reply viciously

“You know nothing about me,” he grins

“I know that your just a little kid who started using when daddy started hitting you, but soon you got in too deep and dropped out of high school, becoming a failure in your parents eyes, because, now, all you care about now is the drugs, so they kicked you out, and now, you think you need the drugs, but you don‘t. Trust me kid, guys like you are a dime a dozen.” I sum up

His jaw drops slightly “W-wha….” he begins, dumfound

“You don’t know what its like!” he bursts out in sudden anger “You don’t know how it feels to have someone who’s supposed to care about you, hate your guts for no reason! You don’t what it’s like to need something so bad that you’ll do anything to get it!” he shouts

“And would that something be your daddy’s affection, or the coke and meth?” I chime in

Confusion washes over his face “Fuck you,” he snarls

“Hmm, and I though you weren’t gay,” I smirk

He lets out a loathing grunt and before I know it, his fist connects sharply with m jaw, nothing I’m not used to.

“I-I-I’m leaving,” he stutters, quickly dashing to Mikey’s car

I feel the metallic taste of blood in my mouth and clutch the now red area of my face like I’ve done so many times before while dealing with meth-heads.

I stomp out the last of my cancer stick and open the door to walk inside.

“Gee! Are you okay?!” I hear Adam gasp from the kitchen.

“I’m fine, baby” I assure him, walking over to where he’s standing

“What happened?” he asks frantically, throwing his arms around my shoulders, which was very comforting

“Sonny hit me, but I had it coming,” I sigh, remembering what he had said last night

“Why?” he asks, afraid, so I wrap my arms gently around his waist

“It doesn’t matter, sweetie,” he tell him calmly “I’m okay, and he’s not going to hurt you,” I tell him soothingly, knowing what a touchy subject this is for him

“And your okay, right?” he checks

“I’m okay,” I confirm in calming tone

“Promise?” he asks, looking up at me

“I promise,” I smile, kissing his lips softly, the pain beginning to subside

He smiles “So what are you doing up this early, anyway?” he asks, changing the subject

“Couldn’t sleep,” I tell him “Why are you up?”

“I was cold without you,” he blushes

I know that we haven’t been together very long, or have even known each other very long, but I’m undoubtedly falling for him. I mean, how could I not? He’s cute, funny, sweet, and amazingly hot, not to mention a great kisser.

“You know, Gee,” he starts “That one day when I met you in the park….”

“Yeah?” I ask, signaling for him to continue

“Nevermind, you’re gonna think I’m weird…”

“Have you looked around this house? We’re all pretty weird, nothing you can say will make me think any differently about you,” I squeeze his hand

“Well that day…I…wasgoingtokillmyself…” he confides in me, ashamed

Silence. I don’t know what to say. I can understand why he would have wanted to do it, but I‘m extremely glad he didn’t, just the thought of him wanting to take his own life at one point terrifies me, even though I’ve attempted it myself before.

“Oh, baby,” I mutter, almost in tears at the thought of losing him

“Are you mad at me?” he asks pitifully

“Of course not!” I hold him even tighter

“So, why didn’t you do it? I mean, I’m so happy that you didn’t, but what made you reconsider?” I ask

“I’m not entirely sure, I guess you restored my faith in humanity,” he laughs slightly, causing me to smile into the crook of his neck.

I lift my head to look up at his face, and connect our lips in a breath-taking kiss. No tongue or battle of dominance, just filled with passion.

However, as if on cue, Mikey comes barging into the kitchen completely ruining the moment.

“Morning,” he grunts, grabbing a packet of Pop-Tarts

“Morning” I reply

“What happened to your face?” Mikey inquires completely unsympathetically, but reminding me of my now swollen jaw.

“Sonny” I say monotonously

“What’d you do to him?” he asks

I scowl at him “Why the fuck? Your defending Sonny instead of me?”

“Well you must have done something!” he responds

“Go to hell Mikey,” I yell, letting go of Adam and rushing upstairs

How the hell is he sticking up for this stranger that he hardly knows instead of his brother that he’s know his entire life!

My thoughts are interrupted by my body running into something, knocking it to the floor.

“Oww” Frank groans

“Sorry!” I apologize, offering him my hand for help up.

“What’s wrong?” he asks, sensing my anger

“Ug, Mikey”

“Yeah, I know what you mean,” he sighs, while grabbing my hand for support up

“Why? What happened?” I ask, already knowing that Sonny was the root of the problem

“I dunno, I think it’s me….” he states sadly

“What do you mean?” I question, placing my arm around his shoulder

“Well, I mean, you liked me, then you found someone better. Now I’m with Mikey, and I’’m pretty sure he’s found someone better…”

“Aww, Frank, trust me, Sonny can’t even begin to compare to you” I assure him, honestly, but he simply shrugs

“I’m telling the truth, Frankie” I say, looking him in the eyes

“Thanks,” he forces a smile and I put my arms around him, hugging him tightly

But for some reason, he doesn’t seem to want to let go.

[[A/N Ug, I wasn't happy at all with this chapter. Thanks for all your support though!
-Love Dani]]