Let's Sleep Till the Sun Burns Out

Chapter 22

*Sonny’s POV*

I quickly hop in Mikey’s car and leave. I just moved in and I already fucked up. My dad’s right, I am a useless failure or whatever he wants to call me. Well, one thing’s for sure, I’m not going back there.

I don’t know how long I’ve been sitting here, and I don’t really care. I’m safe here, no one in the house knows where I am.

I feel the little plastic bag in my hoodie pocket. There are so many people around, but luckily, no one I know. The perfect place for solitude, the Belleville Mall.

A group of girls pass by, one of them openly gawking at me, so just to make her day, I smile at her.

I settle back into my uncomfortable spot on the bench, where I hear a familiar, but unwanted voice.

“I figured you be here,” What the fuck? I look up to see Adam, Gerard’s boyfriend, standing above me.

He probably came to yell at me for me for punching his boyfriend. Well, I’ll let him, I deserve it.

“How?” I question, scooting over

“I used to come here all the time. I’m not mad, if that’s what you’re afraid of,”

“Psh, I’m not scared,” I mumble, looking into my hands on my lap

“You really need to knock that shit off.” he says, looking me in the eye

“Excuse me? What the fuck are you talking about? You barley even know me!” I yell louder than intended, causing an elderly lady to glare at me.

“I know you better than you think. From the minute you walked through the front door, I could read you like book,” he says calmly

Well, he’s patient, I’ll give him that, but there is no fucking way in hell he, or anyone else, could get me to stop. “What do you want from me? I’m me and I won’t change for anyone else.”

“That’s okay, not much progress, but we have time. I’ll see you at home.”

*20 Minutes Later*

I pull my hood on and walk up the driveway to see Mikey, Frank, Gerard, Ray, and Bob. Only one of the four I’m particularly fond of, though., but I walk past them to go upstairs and change.

I shove my bag filled with my sick pleasure under the floorboard in Mikey’s room.

“Hey Mikey, can you come here for a minute?” I yell downstairs

“What’s up? You need clothes? Help yourself,” he yells from the porch

I walk over to the closet and pull on a black T-shirt and a pair of skinny jeans, which are much to long for me.

*Frank’s POV*

It’s about damn time for him to go shopping and get some fucking clothes. I wish Mikey wouldn’t be so generous about letting him wear his, and some of my, clothes. He works, yeah, it’s just too bad he spends all his money on drugs.

*2 Months Later*

We’re having the same conversation we’ve had a million times before, and yet again, I’m sitting on the stairs hugging Gerard, who has become my best friend in the world over the past couple of months.

I really do, I mean did, think it is, was meant to be him and I, but now I can see how happy he and Adam are together.

“Are you going to be okay?” Gerard asks, pulling away from me

“Yeah, I’ll be fine. I just wish Mikey would be more honest with me, you know?” I say, leaning up against the wall.

I feel tears stinging my eyes. Don’t cry in front of Gerard again, Frank, your stronger than that.

“Hey Gee, you don’t think Mikey’s cheating on me with Sonny, do you?” I ask, before he can leave

I see pity flash across his face for a second. Fuck.

“I really don’t know Frank, but I hope not. For one, Sonny is underage, claims to be straight, but most importantly, you’re an amazing fucking person. And he is so lucky to have you, but I’m going to talk to him, anyways.

I smile at the small boost of self-confidence, I hope to death he’s not, then I will seriously have some self-esteem issues.

*Mikey’s POV*

I walk to the front door to see Gerard looking at me with a rather serious look on his face.

“What’d I do?” I ask, standing in the door frame.

“It’s not what you did Mikey, or at least I hope not, it’s Sonny.”

A weight drops in my stomache “What happened/” I drop my stuff and sit down in a chair.

“Where did you meet him, really? Because he hasn’t been around work when I’ve been there,”

I sigh and begin to feel really pissed off. “At work, he’s just not in the same department as me, so it’s not surprising that you haven’t seen him,” I convince him

“Mikey, he does drugs!” Gerard states

“Fuck off, Gerard, I don’t need your help picking my friends, I do just fine on my own.” I hiss and pull myself out of the chair and go outside.