Let's Sleep Till the Sun Burns Out

Chapter 23

*Gerard’s POV*

Mikey has got a lot of fucking nerve. I’m just trying to look out for him, but he’s yelling at me, drooling over some underage, straight, drug-addict, and making his boyfriend, who has become one of my good friends over the past two months, feel like shit. But, then again, Mikey isn’t the one who’s there when Frank is in tears because he’s afraid he’s being cheated on. In my opinion, Frank could do so much better. Mikey has become horrible, everyday it’s the same thing, following Sonny around, ignoring Frank, convincing him that he truly does love him, getting him into bed. I know Frank stopped believing Mikey long ago, and it’s not just that he wants nightly sex, but he really wants to feel like Mikey actually does love him.

I feel so sorry for him, he doesn’t deserve to be in a loveless relationship, he is such an amazing guy. That also makes me feel pretty guilty for being so exceedingly happy with Adam. But he is extremely wonderful. He’s placid and understanding, but also frivolous and exciting.

Two months may be too early to tell, but dare I say it, I think I’m in love. And honestly, that scares the fuck out of me. I’ve only been in love once before, but he was more of a fistfight romantic, luckily, the complete opposite of Adam. With Adam, I always feel safe, and as corny as it may sound, I’m always smiling when I’m around him.

But, as of right now, we’re all getting ready to go out to dinner with Ray, Bob, and a couple of their friends. Unfortunately, when I say ‘all of us’, it regrettably means ‘including Sonny’. Lets just keep our fingers crossed that he isn’t drugged up at the moment. Because trust me, he’s not too pretty when he’s smashed like that.

Once I finish getting ready, I saunter down our old stairs into the living room to join the guys and our guests in waiting for Mikey and Sonny to finish getting dressed.

“Hey Gee,” Bob greets me as I enter the room, “This is my friend Shaant and his girlfriend Elizabeth, Shaant and Elizabeth, this is Gerard,” he introduces, motioning toward the couple seated on the left end of the couch. “Hello” I smile

He isn’t too bad looking, he has long brown hair, piecing green eyes, and a slightly misshapen nose, but not really my type. His girlfriend would be stunning, if I was into that kind of thing. She has long blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. However, she seems like a whore. Who seriously wears a thigh-high mini skirt and tube top in the middle of February? And in New fucking Jersey for that matter! I immediately determine that I don’t like her, but Shaant I don’t mind so much.

“Hi” they grin back in unison

I plop in between Frank and Adam, who is sitting next to the newly introduced couple, while Bob and Ray stand against the wall.

I instinctively take hold of Adam’s hand and smile lovingly at him, he follows up by placing a gentle kiss on my cheek, and I lay my head onto his shoulder, simply to be closer to him, as various conversations began in the background.

“So, Gerald, do you have a girlfriend, because I know someone who would absolutely ah-dore you!” Elizabeth squeals in a ditz-like high pitched manner, causing the once buzzing room to fall eerily silent.

What the fuck?

“It’s Gerard, by the way, and actually,” I start, lifting my head from Adam’s shoulder and staring in her direction

“I’m involved with someone, this is my b o y f r i e n d, Adam,” I tell her slowly, motioning to the gorgeous blonde boy next to me.

“Oh…well aren’t you people allowed to have like a boy and a girlfriend at like the same time. Oh and don’t worry, I’m not homlophobia” she assures me in that same nasal tone.

How stupid is this fucking bimbo? Be calm Gerard. Be Calm.

“Well, that’s um, good, but actually, I’m not into girls, and even if I was, I love Adam.” I mistakenly blurt out.

Fuck, fuck, fuck! I did not mean to say that! Wait, maybe I did, maybe this is a good thing. Maybe he’ll hurry up and say it back to me!

I’m mentally freaking out and I’m sure my cheeks are flushing a bright shade of maroon. I wait in agony for any type of response. After what seems like ages inside my mind, a smile stretches across his lips.

“You love me?” he asks hopefully

“Well…yeah,” I blush

“I love you too!” he giddily exclaims as I pull him into a tight embrace

After a couple moments, the flow of words beings from various people, none of which I’m paying any attention to. Once we pull away, I hear a quivering sigh from the figure to my right.

“What’s wrong, Frankie?” I ask, turning toward him as Adam is consumed by the other’s discussion about some movie.

“Nothing,” he pathetically shakes his head back and forth.

“It’s okay, you can tell me,” I quietly assure him, placing a hand on his knee

“It’s…God I’m so jealous!” he admits “It’s just, I wish, so badly, that we could have a relationship like that!” he sighs

I assume he’s talking about he and Mikey

“It’ll happen someday,” I tell him, sympathetically

“Yeah right!” he laughs “You guys…fect toge…ver bre…up,” he incoherently mumbles, looking to the floor

Just as I’m about to reply, Sonny and Mikey finally emerge from upstairs. At least Sonny’s gotten his own clothes, even if they do look more like his little sisters.

“Ready to go?” Mikey checks cheerfully, not paying any notice to the two strangers in the room. However, it looks as if Sonny’s eyes are dead locked on Shaant in awe, but I’m sure he’s just staring at Elizabeth.

“We’ve been ready,” Frank huffs

After the last of the introductions are made, Bob, Ray, Shaant, and Elizabeth take one car to the diner, and the rest of us follow in Mikey’s car.

Once we arrive, Sonny sits right across from Shaant, gawking straight (haha yeah right) at him. Now I’m positive it’s not Elizabeth he’s into.

[[A/N Ugh, I've had major writers block! Sorry if this chapter was awful!]]