Let's Sleep Till the Sun Burns Out

Chapter 24

*Sonny’s POV*

I walk downstairs in the new outfit Mikey bought me. Today couldn’t be any better. I’m wearing a huge grin on my face, and not just because I’ve got an eight-ball under the floorboard in Mikey’s room, but because I feel like I actually belong somewhere. Despite almost everyone in the house hating me.

I walk downstairs and see two strangers in the house. A blonde girl who I would have been completely gaga over except for the fact she looks like a whore.

The boy has long, brown hair that nearly falls in his eyes, and his nose I find quit funny. It sort of reminds me of Owen Wilson

I can feel Gerard glaring at me, although, I’m not sure why.

“Well let’s go…” Thank God.

Me, Mikey, and Frank decide to ride in separate cars, but Frank insists on not wanting to sit in the same car as me.

“You know Frank, I don’t know why you’ve been acting so different lately.”

“No shit Mikey! What the hell do you expect? You have been following Sonny around like a love-sick puppy dog. Well newsflash Einstein! He. Doesn’t. Like. You. And never will! Do you know why? Because he’s straight! S T R A I G H T! Straight!”

Mikey and Frank are arguing about me again. Great. The happy feeling I once had is gone, all I seem to do is cause problems around here. And to be honest, I really hate being labeled as “home wrecker”. When I first go here, I didn’t want all this, I just wanted to get along with everybody, and not have them hate me.

“Come on Sonny, you’re riding with me,” Mikey says, leaving Frank on the driveway.

“No I’m not, I’m riding with Bob. Frank, you can ride with Mikey,” I say, climbing into Bob’s crowded car, leaving Mikey looking really pissed off.

“I just think that those two need to spend some time together. I feel like I’ve been hogging Mikey all to myself and I don’t want to cause problems with Frank,” I say, fidgeting in the tight centimeter of breathing room I have left.

Shaant and his girlfriend are too busy exchanging mushy-gushy “I love you”’s

“Well, Frank is a very judgmental guy. As are most of the people he lives with. As long as you don’t screw things up anymore, then I’m sure they’ll get used to you. Frank probably thinks you’re here to steal his boyfriend” Bob replies

“Yeah, well I hope I can convince him that I’m straight”

Your going to have to convince yourself first. And Shaant isn’t helping matters.

“Hey guys, pull your lips apart for a couple hours, we’re at the restaurant,” Bob says, pulling into the parking lot.

Great, Just what I need, pouring rain.

Grumbling heavily, I pull my hood on and step out of the car.

*Frank’s POV*

“This is going to be a long night,” Mikey grumbles, climbing out of the car.

“Mikey, can I talk to you a minute, please?” I ask, grabbing his hand and hiding the hurt in my tone.


Well at least that wasn’t as harsh as I expected it to be.

“Mikey, I love you so much,” I confess to him

He looks somewhat shocked.

“Look, Mikey, I love you so much, I didn’t mean anything I said back at the house. You know I would do anything to make you happy. So tell me, would you be happier if I let you go so you can be with Sonny?”

Please say no. Please say no. Please, dear god, say no.

“Frank, I didn’t know that you truly love me….”

What the fuck?

“Of course I do, I wouldn’t put up with all your shit if I didn’t”

“I was thinking about it last night. And.. I don’t want to be with Sony.”

Phew. Thank God.


Oh shit, there’s a but.

“But, I don’t think we are working out either.”

Ouch. You fucking bastard!

“Then I don’t think I should be wasting your time. Have a nice life, asshole.”

I walk away, leaving him alone. This hurts more than it should. Good thing I’m good at hiding my emotions!

“Okay guys, lets eat.”

*Sonny’s POV*

I sit down across the table from Shaant and find myself “accidentally” staring at him again.

“Where’s Frank and Mikey?” Gerard asks, over the top of the menu he and Adam are sharing.

“Probably talking in the car. They were arguing over something earlier,” I say not looking up.

I don’t want to pretend that I’m liked in the house anymore, so I won’t push my luck.

As if on cue, Mikey walking in followed by Frank, and sits down in the only open space, next to me.

“Hey babe, I have to go,” Elizabeth says to Shaant, sliding her chair out from the table.

“Aww, why?”

“Because Babe, my uhhhh mom, just sent me a text saying she needs my help.”

“Okay, fine, I love you,” he says, kissing her.

Lucky bitch! Damnit, Sonny, your straight! Fuck I need to talk to Frank. I don’t know why Frank, but I feel like he can help me.

“Frank, can I talk to you alone?” I ask, motioning outside. Grumbling, and much against his will, I can tell, he finally follows me outside

“No, I don’t want any of your drugs”


“No, Frank, I’m not offering you dugs, and I don’t want to date Mikey. I just need your advice, please. Now I know you don’t like me, but I’m begging you, Frank, help me.

I plead, not blocking his exit, so he can leave anytime he wants.

“What? Did you run out of money or something?”

Okay, this is going to take a lot of nerve to confess this to him.

“No. It has nothing to do with drugs, money, or anything remotely close to that. It’s just…..I think that I like Shaant.”

Okay, the worst part is over. Or so I thought. Frank begins busting up laughing.

“What the fuck is so funny, Frank?” I ask, my anger boiling up over my limit.

“You- the only straight guy in the whole damn house…is turning GAY!?”

“You know what Frank, fuck you! I thought you’d be cool enough to help me just this one time. But apparently, I was wrong!” I yell, walking inside

“Are you okay?” Shaant asks, causing my breath to hitch in my throat

“Just dandy.”