Let's Sleep Till the Sun Burns Out

Chapter 25

*Gerard’s POV*

What the hell is wrong with everyone? Frank’s giggling like a homicidal maniac, Mikey’s carrying a solemn expression on his pale face, Sonny seems frustrated, and looks as if he’s going to rip someone’s head off, Shaant seems disappointed and lonely, and Bob and Ray are off in their own little world. And I’m sure Adam and I are wearing a matching look of confusion and curiosity.

“What’s going on with everybody?” Adam whispers in my ear, breaking the deadly silence that was slowly engulfing me.

“I’m not sure, you want to talk to Sonny and I’ll talk to Frank?” I ask softly back into his ear, running my tongue across the lobe of it in the process.

He shivers slightly, with and smile and nods in agreement.

“C’mon you manic midget,” I say in my normal volume of voice, motioning for Frank to come with me as I straighten my legs, standing up.

He juts out his bottom lip, forming a pout at the nickname, but follows my command by removing himself from his seat.

As we walk away, I hear my boyfriend successfully persuading Sonny to come with him to talk.

“So what’s going on?” I ask, finally

“What do you mean?” he asks, tilting his head to the side and burrowing his eyebrows together.

“I mean, what with everyone being even more dysfunctional than usual?” I explain

“Ohhhh!” he exclaims “Well, you know Sonny, the supposed “straight” guy of the house, the one my boyfriend, well I guess I should say ex-boyfriend is in love with, well as it turns out, he’s hot for Shaant!” he spills, with a fake smile plastered across his face, as if he’s excited about this dramatic tidbit of information.

“Wait,” I say, giving my brain time to process everything he just told me “What do you talking about ex-boyfriend?”

“I broke up with Mikey,” he replies with that same counterfeit grim spread across his face.

I’m not at all surprised, “Frank, I know your trying to hide how upset you really are, I know you better than that,” I say, walking closer to him and draping my arm around his shoulder. He slowly relaxes into my torso.

“I can’t show how I really feel because then everyone would see the pansy that I am,” he confesses.

“But I love the pansy that you are,” I coo gently, nudging him lightly with my elbow.

A small, but authentic, smile reaches his lips “I love you Gee.”

“So are you going to be okay?” I ask, looking him in the eye

“Yeah, I guess, I just hate the fact that the guy I’m almost positive I’m in love with, will never love me back,” he sighs deeply

I close my eyes, pondering something helpful to say. “I know he loves you Frankie, he’s just confused, you need to move on, because you can do way better than Mikey.”

He unrepentantly laughs a small laugh “Yeah, Mikey.”

“You are talking about Mikey, right?” I infer, already knowing he’s not.

“Yeah, sure,” he breathes, loosening my arm from around him and moving back to the table to order.

I shortly take the few steps back to the table from the hallway leading to the bathroom, where we were standing. I take my rightful spot next to Adam, who’s already back with Sonny, who now looks much happier and at peace.

The table is finally buzzing with chatter, allowing me to easily fill Adam in on what Frank had informed me of.

“Well, I didn’t know about Mikey and Frank breaking up, or that you think Frank is in love with someone else,” he begins “but Sonny told me and Shaant, he also told me he thinks he’s bi, but he’s just been denying it ever since his dad kicked him out when he told him.”

“Hm, I didn’t know that part…” I say

“We’re pretty good investigators,” he smiles, which causes my lips to twitch upward into a grin as well.

“Yeah, I say we make a good team.”

“As do I,” his smile grows even wider.

Temptation alas takes hold, and I passionately pull his lips into mine. After moments of kissing, I run my tongue along his bottom lip, lazily nipping at his piercing, which is a major turn on, might I add. He devilishly teases me by keeping his mouth closed and smiling. I softly bite his lip, causing him to moan quietly into our kiss. I take the opportunity let my tongue enter his inviting mouth, and he doesn’t protest whatsoever. I lean over more, so I’m practically on top of him, and nearly falling out of my chair.

“Ahhh! My heterosexual eyes!!!” we’re rudely interrupted by Bob, who has just noticed our entwined tongues.

We reluctantly pull away and glare angrily at him.

However, my rage is suppressed when I feel Adam’s hand sinfully moving up my thigh, causing shivers to run down my spine and blood to rush to a certain area.

“Why are you making the funny face?” Ray asks, referring to my wide eyes and red tinged cheeks.

“Umm, I don’t know,” I gasp as his hand moves even higher, so he’s just barley rubbing me through the fabric of my jeans.

“What’s up with you?” Frank asks me

“Nothing, I’m fiiiine,” I attempt to conceal a moan, as he starts full on groping me.

Everyone goes back to their previous conversations, not caring anymore.

Just as I’m about to try and hold in another pleasurable moan, the waiter comes, with 8 plates of food, and Adam removes his hand from my groin.

Now I’m left with a hard-on at the dinner table. How amazingly classy.

Once we’ve finished eating, I’ve managed to…calm myself down. Literally.

Everyone, now, seems to be having a good time, with the exception of Mikey, especially when he saw Sonny checking out a random guy as he passed our table. Although I hate talking bad about my brother, I must say, he deserves it. I love him to death, but he’s been an asshole, and I’m glad he’s feeling what he caused Frank to feel.

As for Sonny, he seems really happy. And for once, my entire being isn’t filled with loathe and disgust for him. I might actually begin to like him. Well, that is, if he ever decides to get off the drugs.
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Second update of the day! Thanks for reading, your feedback is really appritiated! Don't be afraid to tell us what you think! Even if it's negative.