Let's Sleep Till the Sun Burns Out

Chapter 27

*Gerard’s POV*

Once the everlasting night out was over, everyone somehow made the unanimous decision to come back to our place. And of course Adam and I, being the socialites we are, head up to what has transformed from “my” room to “our” room. But, hey, I’m certainly not complaining, me and my absolutely stunning boyfriend sharing one bed, you’d have to be stupid not to enjoy it. Although, before all the dirty kinky thoughts invade your mind, we haven’t actually “done” anything sexual, other than the make-out sessions or occasional hand jobs, but I’m willing to wait until Adam’s ready to do anything more.

Once we get up to the room, we lay on the bed together, him in my lap with his head on my chest and my hand gently stroking his hair.

“Hey Gee…” he starts

“Yeah?” I ask, glancing my eyes down to meet his blue eyes staring back at me.

“You do know that you’re the person Frank’s in love with right?” he asks, shifting his position slightly.

“Yeah, I know,” I sigh, wishing it wasn’t the truth.

“Do you love him back?” he questions wearily, afraid of what the answer may be.

“I love him, yes, but like a friends, I’m not in love with him like I am with you,” I assure him.

I feel him smile beneath me as he sighs in relief.

“I love you,” he states

“I love you too,” I say with a grin spreading across my face. “But what was up with what you pulled at the restaurant?” I ask, laughing

“You enjoyed it, didn’t you?” he giggles

“Until you stopped,” I mumble sheepishly.

“Well then…” he begins, and without warning flips over, so that he’s straddling me. Hungrily, he attacks my lips with his own. Instinctively, my hands, who have seem to have a mind of their own, travel up his shirt. I roughly prod his lips with my tongue, for access, which he gladly grants. Our tongues battle for dominance, and unexpectedly grinds his hips against mine, creating quite a pleasurable friction.

Then, at one of the worst possible times, there’s a knock on the door. We’re forced to unwillingly pull away. “Who is it?” I call, still in attempt to catch my breath.

“Sonny,” the voice on the other side of the door whimpers.

Sonny? What could he want?

I prop myself on my elbows and sit upright. “Is it important?” I ask, knowing perfectly well that it must be, for him to coming to us like this.

“Well, if your busy, I’ll just go-”

“No, it’s okay, come on in,” I interrupt him.

“Sorry babe,” I whisper to my boyfriend.

“Don’t worry Hun, we have all night,” he purrs seductively in my ear.

I doorknob slowly twists open and Sonny walks in very cautiously. “Um, have a seat,” I motion to the foot of the bed.

I’m not quite sure why I’m being so nice to him, what’s with my sudden change of heart? Maybe the lack of sex has gotten to me.

“So what’s up?” Adam pipes in

“Well first of all,” he begins, his eyes focused on his hands in his lap. “I’m so sorry for all the problems I’ve caused around here. I really didn’t know Mikey liked me. If I had I would have told him to stop following me around!”

Adam and I nod, and scoot up to the end of the bed, each of us sitting on either side of him, listening intently on his words.

“And before I go on, I just wanted to know if you two hated me too? I would understand if you did,” he says solemnly, looking up at us with tear-brimmed eyes.

“We don’t hate you,” Adam and I answer simultaneously.

Sonny sniffles a bit, “Thanks, that’s why I came to you guys…”

Well anyways, second, I just want everyone to be happy, and if it means me moving out, then so be it. I can’t stand having so many people in the world hate me. How many lives can I ruin? First my parents, then Matt’s, then Franks, then Mikey’s, and I just can’t take it!” his voice cracks

“Sonny, none of those things were your fault!” Adam explains to him as I put a comforting arm on his shoulder.

He says nothing, Adam says nothing, I say nothing. I that can be heard is shallow breathing and an occasional suppressed sob.

I the ear-deafening silence is finally broken when I comprehend what he said, moments ago. “Wait, who’s Matt?” I ask

“Just forget it,” he says right as the words leave my mouth. It’s obvious that he’s regretting uttering that one little name.

“It’s alright, you can trust us!” I say truthfully

“Just not now, please” he begs, anguish dripping from each word.

“Okay, don’t worry about” Adam coos.

“Okay, thank you guys for listening, I’m really not sure why I came to you, but, I really appreciate it.” he says

“Anytime,” I assure him, “and I think you need to talk to Frank,” I tell him

He nods his head in agreement, and just as he’s about to step out the door, I add “And I think you need to get clean too.”