Let's Sleep Till the Sun Burns Out

Chapter 28

Sonny’s POv

“And you need to get clean.”

Crap! How the hell did I know that was coming? I nod quickly, eager to get out of there. They probably have better things to do anyways. Now I just need to attempt to communicate with Frank. Good luck.

“Frank I need to talk to you.” I breathe standing over him on the couch.

“Did you finally realize that you are full on gay and that Shaant doesn’t like you?”
He says not even looking up from his book. This has become a second nature of his, a routine part of his day almost too always pick on me. I’m used to it.

“No. Me and Shaant are fine. He doesn’t know me well enough to judge me like that so please just shut up and listen so I can say I tried to apologize.” I say rather harshly earning a shocked look. Go sonny!

“Fine I’m listening.”

“I never knew that Mikey liked me had I known I would have told him to back off but that’s not the case. Please Frank just give me a chance the last thing I want is to know that I came into this house and ruined everyone’s lives. That’s not why I came here. I came here because I had no where else to go okay.”

Pausing momentarily, Frank put his book down to glare at me.

“So that’s it huh? You came here because of you, because your selfish. It really doesn’t matter that you came here because Mikey asked you too and it doesn’t matter that you didn’t want to hurt everyone’s ‘feelings’ what matters is that you did.”

Okay, so this is going to be harder then I thought.

“So are you going to forgive me or not.”


Fine then. If he is going to be that way then I will just let him. I can’t say I didn’t try.

“Hey Sonny?!” I hear Gerard yell from upstairs. Thank god he has perfect timing.

Not even taking the time to steal a second glance at Frank, I run upstairs to answer my summons.

“Yeah Gerard what’s up?”

“Do you know if we have any milk? By any chance or did someone drink it all.”

I can hear him ask from the bathroom. Where’s Adam? If he’s in there too I don’t want to know.

“No we are all out do you want me to run up to the store to get some? I was going to go up there anyways.” I offer pressing my ear up against the door.

“If you can, if not its no big deal.”

I walk downstairs right passed Frank and Mikey who seem to have a whispered conversation. Probably about me but I could care less.

I grab my coat off the rack and head out into the cold. Finally I get to be by myself that way I can catch up on some much needed,chores, for myself.
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sorry its so short, danielle and i have had troubles updating it but please keep reading and commenting you guys are the best!