Let's Sleep Till the Sun Burns Out

Chapter 29

[[A/N This chapter contains boyluff, so if you don’t like that kind of thing, skip it!!!! But this is a pretty important chapter after the boysex. :)]]

*Gerard’s POV*

“I want you Gee,” his hot breathy whisper causes shocks of electricity to surge through my body, as if I were some electrical device getting plugged in. I feel myself shiver as his soft lips brush against the lobe of my ear, and a smirk plasters itself across my face.

“Are you sure?” I turn my head to face Adam, instantly locking our eyes together.

“I’m positive,” he shifts his position, so he’s now hovering over me on the bed and straddling my waist. That’s good enough assurance for me. Without another word I wrap my arms around his neck, bringing his head down and hungrily kissing his mouth. He doesn’t hesitate in gliding his tongue across my lower lip, and gently and playfully nipping at it.

I gladly grant him the access he’s longing for by slightly parting my lips. He prods and explores every inch of my mouth before ferociously battling my tongue with his own for dominance of the kiss. I remove my arms from around his neck, and instead, let them rest on his hips. Lowering himself, he’s now laying on top of me, his growing erection rubbing against mine, with only the fabric of our jeans between us.

I grind my hips up to meet his, creating a mind-blowing friction, and earning a small, muffled moan. I allow my hands to travel from his hips to up his shirt, rubbing his smooth, pale chest. He lifts his arms and I slide his shirt off, momentarily breaking our lip lock. I wait for his lips to reconnect with mine, but instead he places them, now, on my collarbone, sucking hard, making a moan erupt from my throat, then biting down, drawing blood, the feel of his wet tongue and hot breath only making my throaty moans increase in volume.

He then begins exploring my chest, underneath the fabric of my t-shirt. Right after he pulls it from over my head, leaving both of us shirtless, I flip us, so I’m now above him. Dominating, I move my lips to his chest, and after placing small kisses on his upper torso, and sucking on his nipples, I slowly run my tongue down his body, stopping at the top of his extremely tight jeans. Swiftly, I undo the button and zipper on them, and pull off them off immediately. I then lick just underneath the hem of his boxers, feeling him squirm under my touch.

“Ugh, Gee,” he groans, “C’mon!”

Finally, I slip off the offending material, and trail my tongue down the base of his very hard erection. I twirl my skilled tongue around the head of his dick, blowing on it afterward, making him shiver at the cool air on the tip of his throbbing hard-on.

“Tease,” he grunts, panting.

I smile up at him and suddenly take him in entirely, bobbing my head up and down, picking up a rhythm. Lightly, I drag my teeth down his member, the grunts and pants escaping his mouth turning me on more. I can’t take the sensation in my pants anymore, and without even unbuttoning them, I slide my jeans and boxers past my thighs and being pumping my dick in time with my bobs.

In only a few more moments, Adam manages to grunt out “Ohh Gee, I think I’m gonna-”

Before he can finish his sentence, I remove my mouth from him, and my hand from around myself, hearing him whimper in frustration from the sudden lack of contact to his now painful hard-on. His trusty right hand shoots to his dick and he starts jerking himself off. I slap his hand away and move my lips millimeters away from his.

“You don’t really want it to end like that, do you?” I whispers breathily

He reluctantly shakes his head, and brings his lips up to meet mine again, after removing my jeans completely. We feverishly made out for a few more minutes, our hips imitating our tongues.

“Do you want top or bottom?” I ask him in his ear.

“Umm, bottom,” he pants.

I nod my head and roll over to grab the lubethat I’ve used oh so many times in the past from under the bed. I pop the top off and squeeze some of the substance onto my fingers.

“Have you ever done this before?” I question

“Well I’ve never bottomed,” he admits, his cheeks tinging red

I smile at his still blushing face, “Don’t worry,” I tell him, he nods his head.

“Okay, this is going to hurt, alright,” I warn. After he nods again, I slide one lubed up finger into him. After he gets used to the feeling, I gently stick my middle finger in next to my pointer finger, and begin to stretch him in a scissoring motion. After the look of pain on his face subsides, I hesitantly put yet another finger inside of him, next to the others, making him hiss slightly. I continue scissoring him for a good couple of minutes before I hear his pitiful whimpers turn into moans, telling me I’ve hit his spot.

Smiling to myself I decide he’s ready, so I carefully remove my fingers and coat my full blown erection with the cherry scented lube. I’m not sure why it’s scented, it seemed a bit kinky when I bought it.

He seductively moves his head to lick my bottom lip, then we shift our positions, so his ankles are on my shoulders, making it more comfortable, and my dick is lined up with his prepared entrance. I slowly and cautiously push into him, and then pull back out, feeling bad that it feels so good for me right now, and he’s in pain. I sluggishly push into him a couple more times, still not hitting his spot, but trying to suppress moans. Finally, I move slightly and a heavy moan slides past his lips.

I smirk, knowing that I’ve found his spot, and thrust in harder, picking up my pace. The faster and harder I go, the louder his moans get. I grab hold of his hips and push in as far a possible, he shrieks in delight and we continue to moan in unison, forgetting about everyone downstairs.

I keep on slamming into him, throwing my head back in pleasure. I move one of my hands from his hips down to his incredibly hard erection. I wrap my fingers around his swollen cock and move my hand in rhythm with my thrusts. I pick up my pace, going faster than I even knew I could, sweat glistening from both our faces.

“Oh Gerard! I-I’m gonna- Ohhhh!” he moans and he spills onto both of our stomachs and my hand. The sight of him biting his lip in pleasure as he came is enough to push me over the edge. I spill into him, and continue thrusting, riding out the best orgasm of my life. Finally, I sigh and slowly pull out of him, wiping my hand on the bed sheet. Panting still, move to the top of the bed to lay next to him.

“That was. Amazing,” he smiles through his heavy breaths, unable to form words after that fucking mind-blowing orgasm that left my ears ringing, I grin and nod back. I finally recompose my self, “So was it as good as you though it would be?” I ask hopefully.

“No,” he states plainly. Ouch. I didn’t think I was that bad. “It was so much better,” he giggles, “I have three words for you, best fucking orgasm ever.”

“That’s four words,” I laugh. We lay in bed together, still sticky and sweating and trying to catch our breath. I somehow manage to climb out of bed and get a washcloth to wipe the come off of us. Once we’re cleaned, Adam sits up and winces in pain.

“Fuck,” he hisses. I giggle slightly, remembering my first time. I help him to his feet then assist him in getting dressed after I do so myself. He wobbles his way downstairs with his arm around my shoulder, when we get into the living room, Sonny looks up and us and bursts into laughter. Adam and I glance at each other and blush simultaneously. I guess we were too loud. “Oooh Gerard!” Sonny imitates between fits of laughter.

“Shut up,” Adam giggles, carefully sitting down. Sonny inhales deeply then succeeds in ceasing his laughter. The room then gets eerily quiet.

“I ran into Matt,” Sonny blurts out after awkward moments of silence.

“This would be bigger news if we knew who Matt was,” I tell him.

He sighs, hesitant to tell us, “Ok…” he begins “Well a while ago hewasmyboyfirend,” he incoherently mumbles.

“Your boyfriend?” I ask, making sure that’s what he had said.

He nods his head and continues on with his story “Well we were together for almost 2 years, and, honestly, I loved him more than anything, But, he wanted me to tell my parents about us, and he just didn’t understand how homophobic my parents were, are. So he broke up with me. I did everything I could to convince him to stay, but he was gone. So, in a final attempt to get him back, I actually decided to tell my parents I’m bi, and just like I expected, they hated me for it and forbade me to see Matt. My world had crashed down around me, and that’s when I started using. But then I saw him today, and that wasn’t even the first time, just the first time I’ve approached him. So anyway, I told him everything that happened and…” he trails of

“And?” Adam urges him to continue.

“And he wants to get together sometime,” a full blown smile stretches across his face.

“That’s great!” I exclaim, “When are you going to do it?” I ask

“I’m gonna call him pretty soon, and see if he wants to go out tonight,” his smile grows even wider.

“Well do it!” Adam urges.

“Ok,” Sonny replies, nervously pulling out his cell phone and punching in the seven numbers. Adam and I listen intently to the audible side of their conversation.

“Matt?” Sonny asks the other line giddily.

“Yeah, it’s Sonny.”

“Um, I was wondering if you wanted to maybe have dinner together tonight or something?”

“Oh, um yeah,” His face falls dramatically, and his bottom lips begins to tremble.

“Oh, sure, I’ll bring mine too,” his voice becomes shaky and he bites his lower lips.

“Yeah, I’ve missed you too,” a silent tear falls down his pastel cheek.

“Oh, I can’t wait.”

“Ok, see you at eight.”

He snaps his phone closed and buries his face in his hands.

“I’m so stupid! Of course an amazing guy like that has a boyfriend,” he sobs to himself.

“Oh, Sonny, I’m so sorry.” I move next to him and place a comforting arm around his shoulder. He removes his head from his palms and throws his arms around me, crying into my shoulder. “I never should have let him go! I love him so much and I didn’t even realize it until it was to late!” he chokes.

“Shh, it’s okay, it’s not too late,” I coo, gently rubbing my hand in circles on his back. I look over to Adam who smiles at my, still with a look of sympathy clear in his features.

“And I told him I would bring my non-existent boyfriend tonight too. I’m so fucking stupid!” he cries, still leaning on me. “I don’t really have very many friends I can ask to help me! I can’t ask Mikey because then he’ll get the wrong idea and think I want to be his boyfriend, I can’t ask Frank because.. he hates me, I can’t ask you or Adam because you’re together, and I definitely can’t ask Bert, because he’ll want sex afterward.”

I furrow my eyebrows in, “You know Bert?” I question, momentarliy changing the subject.

“My….dealer. And please don’t give me some speech about how I need to get clean, I already know.” he says, still onto of me, but now rubbing his eyes with his sleeves and sniveling.

I nod my head and don’t speak another word of my awful ex-boyfriend again. “Do you guys know anybody I could ask to be my fake boyfriend? Just for tonight?” he asks with hopeful eyes.

“Why don’t you just tell Matt the truth?" I chip in.

“Cuz then he’ll think I’m a loser,” he grumbles, shifting his eyes to the floor.

I look to my boyfriend and he looks back to meet my gaze.

“Gerard will do it,” Adam boldly states.

Sonny looks up to my and my mouth simply hangs open with nothing to say. “No…I don’t want to mess anything up with you two, you‘re like the perfect couple,” Sonny shakes his head.

“Don’t worry,” Adam pulls me out from underneath Sonny and onto his lap, squealing slightly remembering the pain in his ass, “Like you said, Gee and I are great together, you won’t mess anything up,” he rests his head on my shoulder.

“I-is it okay with you, Gerard?” Sonny asks, still not actually believing it.

“Yeah, it’s fine,” I confirm, taking defeat.

“Thank you baby,” Adam says looking up at me, “I love you” he smiles

“I love you too,” I smile back.

Ugh, and now I’m Sonny’s boyfriend for the night. He’s not that bad, but he really could never compare to Adam, and I’m sure I could never compare to this Matt guy.

At least I still have the happy memory of before we walked downstairs.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if the sex scene was crap! It was like my second time writing one xD
And I've had horrible writers block so this entire chapter may suck.

Oh and the story has 10 stars! :D Thank you guys so much! Your feedback means the world to me!
-Love Danielle <3

p.s. This Author's Note box is great! Just saying. :]
p.p.s. Read my new story!
Trust These Words Are Stone