Let's Sleep Till the Sun Burns Out

Chapter 3

*Gerard’s POV*

I drunkenly stumble my way down the stairs after nearly being knocked down by what I at first thought to be a little kid.

“Frank is cuuuuute” I silently slur to myself

What am I saying? He’s my little brotherspet midget best friend.

Hmm, I wonder what it would be like to have a pet midget, I could train it and put it on a leash and…

Okay, I’m totally wasted right now, and defiantly not thinking straight. Ha1 Like I ever think straight!

My thoughts send me into a fit of giggles, causing Mikey and Frank to walk out of the kitchen and look up at me.

I finish making my way down the stairs and head over toward them.

“Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey guuuuuuuuys!” I mutter cheerily. I guess I’m only happy when I’m totally off my face.

“Umm are you alright?” Frank asks, not knowing about my nightly habits of getting shit-faced.

Instead of answering him, I look him over and examine him.

“Mikey!” I gasp “Did you go to the chocolate factory and bring us home an oompa loompa!?” I shriek in a stupid high-pitched tome, before doubling over in laughter at my own joke.

Frank looks sadly down at the floor, like I’ve made him do three times since he’s known me. Apparently he doesn’t find it as hilarious as I do.

“Gerard, just go to bed,” Mikey demands, angrily. Frank stays in the same position still.

“It’s okay Mikey, Gerard doesn’t like me and never will, I get it, well it doesn’t matter because I don‘t care about him either,” Frank says.

Ouch. Even drunk, that struck a nerve, I know I shouldn’t expect Frank to care about me, but still, that hurt. I stroll into the living room where Mikey has his arms wrapped protectively around Frank.

This is not okay! What the fuck am I saying? I don’t like Frank. But still, this is not okay.

“I’m sorry Frank, I’m just very….very….”I giggle, trailing off.

He rolls his eyes and pushes me toward the stairs “Go to bed,” he shouts.

I walk carefully up the stairs, holding onto the handrail as I do so. Once finally in my room, I collapse into my bed, falling into a deep sleep.