Let's Sleep Till the Sun Burns Out

chapter 32

*Sonny’s POv*
“Hey Sonny, it’s Matt, can we talk?” I can feel the lump rise in my throat as I stand here in the living room talking to the boy that I fell in love with and never quite managed to recover from.

“Ahh yeah….yeah sure. Are you okay? You don’t sound so good.”

His voice sounds so……broken. Could he and Derek possibly have broken up? Don’t be hasty and jump to conclusions, it’s not good.

“No, I’m not okay, that’s what I called to talk to you about but now that I think of it, id rather talk to you in person, can you meet me somewhere?”

“Yeah sure, where do you want to meet?”

Silence. I hate silence.

“How about starbucks? The one closer to you doesn’t close until pretty late.” Starbucks is perfect! A warm, cozy atmosphere full of people who don’t pay attention to anything but themselves.

“Yeah that’s fine; I’ll see you in about ten minutes.” I say before hanging up the phone.

Stay calm Sonny, there’s nothing exciting about seeing your ex-boyfriend.

Nearly tripping a couple times, I run downstairs to my room to get dressed. I pull on my only clean outfit, a pair of skinny jeans (surprise) and a black and white t-shirt that he got me when we were together. He called it my prison shirt. I grab a hoodie that I bought last week, rip the tags off and slip it over my head.

“Hey guys I’m going to starbucks, no I will not get you anything Gerard.” I yell running out the door. I don’t think I even grabbed my wallet.

Truth is, i'm scareder then hell. What if he wants to tell me that what I did at dinner was totally out of line? He'd be right. So I walked quicker.

*Franks POv*

Mikey has turned into a total hermit. Locked in his room all day, he doesn’t even come downstairs to eat with us anymore. Frankly i’m worried out of my mind. That’s why i’m standing outside his door trying to gain the courage to knock.

“Mikes?” no answer.

I knock again until he answers.

“It’s open.” Feeling rather stupid, I push open the door to see Mikey sitting on the edge of his bed.

Everything that had been going on must have taken a real toll on him. He looks terrible. He's skinnier then usual and he looks absolutely broken is the only way to put it.

“Oh Mikey.” Is all I can say as I embrace him in a strong hug. He's not hugging me back but that’s okay.

He doesn’t have to. I just want him to know that i’m here now and not going to let anything happen to him.

After a while he gives in and hugs me. Is he crying?

“Oh Mikey, i’m so sorry I never meant to hurt you. I’m sorry.” Ill be lucky if he says anything. Let alone decide to forgive me.

“Frank?” he whimpers placing his wet cheek against mine. He knows it’s me I know he does, so I don’t understand why he asked.

“Yeah Mikes it’s me.” I don’t understand this completely, why i’m comforting him and asking him to take me back when he's the one who took my heart and walked all over it.

But if it gets him back then I really don’t care.

“Frank I love you, take me back please.” He beat me too it.

“Okay but first you need to eat.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So theres the Frikeyness that everyone has been requesting. :) i hope you enjoy!
But i have a favor to ask of you in your free time. please go to my profile (my name is Far-From-Lonelyx) and read my stories they arent doin so well and id like them to be a lil more well known. But you dont have to!
keep the comments going along with the opinions! theyre great!