Let's Sleep Till the Sun Burns Out

chapter 36

*Franks POV*

So, me and Mikey have been dating for at least four months and we still cant seem to get our relationship on the right track and frankly its pissing me off.

Sonny and Matt have a good relationship but Gerard and Adam are so perfect it makes me sick.

“Oh, good morning Frank, did you sleep good?” Mikey asks coming in from his daily morning shower.

He has good intentions and I don’t doubt for one minute that he loves me. We just don’t work as a relationship no matter how strong our love for each other is. I guess it’s the way that its supposed to be. We are just two people who aren’t meant to be together.

“Yeah it was okay…..I kind of wish I was still asleep though.” I say hugging him. He sounds like axe shower gel. Kind of refreshing.

“Aww, well I have to go to work, maybe you should go to sleep.”

“Why do you always have to work?” I say attaching myself to his clammy skin.

Mikey is always at work. Its almost as if his whole life revolves around it. He’s gone all day and into the night. I have gotten to the point where if he’s not back by 12:30 I don’t even bother staying up. Its ridiculous.

*Sonny’s POV*

I glance at the alarm clock on my bedside table and its only 12:30 in the afternoon.. Too early to wake up.

“Rise and shine the sun came out for you today.” how the hell can Matt sit here and be so damn cheery this early in the day?

I groan my disapproval and turn over to go back to sleep.

“Where exactly did the sun come out from?” I ask opening one eye.

“it depends on where you want it to come out from.” he says laying across my back.

“The closet.” I say with a slight giggle turning over quickly so he’s on my chest instead with his hands folded neatly across his stomach.

“No.” he says scrunching up his nose.

“And why not?”

“Because, the sun cant b gay.”

“Why not?” I ask running my fingers through his soft black hair.

“Because I said so.” he says grabbing my finger tips and nibbling each one.

“Fine then, I’m not getting out of bed.” I state stubbornly as I grab hold of the bed frame.

“Aww fine, I guess I’ll just have to go and get ice cream by myself.”

He says walking towards the door.

I shoot up in bed causing myself to get a head rush which in turn causes me to fall off the bed.

“What kind of ice cream?”
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sorry its not too good. its more like a filler then anything. me and Danielle are exhausted so we're going to turn in for the night. comments feul the fire!
<3 Emily