Let's Sleep Till the Sun Burns Out

Chapter 38

*Frank’s POv*

I was sitting in the living room at four o clock in the morning to see Adam walk tight by me out the door. That was strange. I wonder what’s going on.

“Gerard?” I ask walking up the stairs in the quiet house in the dark.

No answer.

“Gerard what the fuck is wrong with you? What happened between you and Adam?” I ask walking into the room to see Gerard, sitting on the edge of the bed with his head lolling from side to side.

He’s fucking wasted.

“Come on, get back in bed. I’ll talk to you when you are sober.” I say pushing him back on to the bed and covering him up. Hopefully he already threw up so I don’t have to worry about him choking on his own vomit.

Now to find out what the hell happened between him too. Maybe I should wait until Adam gets back?

*Sonny’s POv*

My stomach is killing me and its fucking below zero in here. Whining from the pain, I pull the blankets closer to my body and lean in to Matt more

“Jesus Sonny, you are burning up.” He mumbles waking up.

“Oh my god you don’t look so good. Can I get you anything?” he asks attempting to hand me a glass of water.

I weakly wave the glass away and just huddle up to him shivering. He sets the glass down on the nightstand and wraps his arms around me protectively.

“Make it stop Matt. Please just make it stop , I’ll do anything.” I beg clutching my stomach, trying to ease the pain.

“Ssh Sonny, babe it’s okay it will all be over soon, this is the worst part, I hope.” He comforts me wiping my sweaty hair out of my face.

After a few minutes of me biting my tongue to let him fall back asleep he finally does. Now I can finally get what I really need. A pick me up.

Don’t do it. You’ve come this far, don’t relapse now.

But it hurts so much.

the pain is worth it. Matt loves you. He wants you to get better.

While my conscience is arguing with itself I make my way upstairs to the one hidden location I didn’t tell anyone about because I knew that something like this was going to happen. Mikey’s room.

There’s a hole in the top of his closet where I have one last pick-me-up hidden. But how am I going to do it without waking him up?

I tiptoe into his room with the pain in my stomach getting even worse.

It will all be over soon.

I make my way to the closet, my reprieve so much closer when everything goes black and I fall.