Let's Sleep Till the Sun Burns Out

Chapter 39

*Gerard’s POV*

I can’t believe I ever picked Adam over Frank. Frank, he’s so cute, and he actually cares about me. That’s why he came in and tucked me into bed after Adam the drama queen stormed out of the house. Overreacting much? I think yes.

Frank would never reject me.

Suddenly, my drunken self is overcome with this weird I-need-Frank-here-with-me-forever feeling, and it seems like I can’t stand not being with him for one more second.

Swiftly and oh so gracefully, I basically roll out of the bed Adam and I share (shared?), landing with a thud on the uncomfortable carpeted floor. Then proceed to stumble out of our (my?) room, tripping over miscellaneous objects and clothes that clutter up the entire room.

Finally, I manage to fall onto the door and somehow turn the shiny gold know with my all too sweaty palms. Yeah yeah, I’m drunk and nervous, so sue me for sweating a little.

“Fraaaaaankie,” I call in a voice I realize is the most whiney, annoying voice I think I’ve ever used, so the next time I yell for him, totally disregarding everyone else’s sleeping, I try and use a much more seductive tone.

Minutes (probably seconds) felt as if they were passing fifty times slower than usual beforemy cute, little Frankie comes shuffling in from God-knows-where, to my side with the most concerned look on his face.

“What the fuck happened, Gee?” he whisper yells, actually minding other people’s slumber. How sweet of him. Oh wait he sounds mad, focus.

Instead I just stand there staring. Like a moron.

“Gerard!” he says louder than the first time.

I shrink away a bit and he notices immediately and in an instant his hand is stroking my shoulder comfortingly, sending a nervous feeling to the pit of my stomach.

“I’m just worried, Gee….” he says in the most heart-breaking voice in the world.

“I,” I begin, almost unable to bring myself to say it, “I don’t want to be with Adam anymore,” I confess, and as I hear the words leave my mouth, I can’t help but to break down into sobs right there in the hallway.

Without thinking, I throw myself into his arms, burring my tear-gushing face into his shoulder.

“Shhh,” he coos softly while stroking my greasy hair, “it’s going to be okay, just tell me why you don’t want to be with him anymore, Gee. Please?” He asks, very straight-forward.

I can feel myself starting to sober up and all of a sudden it’s as if I’m unable to tell him.

“I….” I start, “I….can’t do this.”

“Gerard,” he backs away and lifts my chin, looking me in the eyes.

And I do the only thing I can thing to do, I move forward and attach my lips to his.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so sorry.