Let's Sleep Till the Sun Burns Out

Chapter 6

*Frank's POV*

I notice Gerard look at me momentarily before stalking off quietly as if nothing has ever happened.

“Hey Mikey? How come you were talking to the girl who took my sweater and you didn’t even bother to get it back?” I ask slightly irritated.

“Oh because when I asked for it back, she gave me this guilt trip about how she has a son and she doesn’t have any money to buy him a sweater,” Mikey says obviously convinced that the horrendous lie was true.

“And you believe her?!” I snap. “That’s the biggest load of crap I ever heard of!” Okay now I am slightly mad.

“So what? Its just a sweater, and besides what are you complaining about you have Gerard’s sweater anyways.” I feel myself begin to blush at this.

“Which leads me to my point of conflict,” I start. “I think I really like Gerard. Like a lot," I bluntly state.


Oh crap! Someone besides Mikey heard that. Please don’t be Gerard, please don’t be Gerard. I turn around and it is none other then Gerard.

“I mean uhhhh….. April fools?” I try to recover from my already permanent damage.

“Uhhh Frank I hate to break it to you but do you see all the decorations? Yeah. That means its December not April.” Mikey whispers into my ear and I feel myself turn rather red.