Let's Sleep Till the Sun Burns Out

Chapter 7

*Gerard’s POV*
Oh yeah, I am a stud muffin. I can’t help but feel pretty confident at the fact that I got Frank to like me. Fuck everything I said earlier, I’ve already let myself get feelings for him.

I, of course, try to play it off as if it’s not big deal, but I’m ecstatic on the inside. I can’t help but notice Mikey’s face fall as Frank tell him he likes me. Hmm, weird.

“Hey Frank, can I umm talk to you?” I ask, my hangover almost worn off. He walks over to me and we go off into a corner.

“So….” I say

“Look Gerard, I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to like you it’s just-” he starts to ramble

“Frank,” I smile nervously “I like you too”

“Really? Your not just gonna yell "PSYCHE!" in my face or something?” he questions wearily

“No” I laugh “and, umm I was wondering if, you maybe want to be my….boyfriend?” I softly ask.

His falls twists a bit as if he’s pondering it “Well, I would kinda like to get to know you better before we ‘get together’,” he states plainly.

Ouch. Rejection.

I feel my face drop and mutter an “okay” before wandering off. I guess I deserve all that, I was a dick for him, he probably just made the entire thing up just to hurt me.

I walk out of the mall after telling Mikey that he and Frank should find another way home because I have made up stuff to do. I shiver as I step out into the cold without my sweater. Hurrying over to my car in see signs posted all along the walls that Christmas is only two days away. I wonder if I should get Frank anything.

I finally get to my car and swiftly put the key in the ignition, speeding off as fast as I could legally go, just to get away from that place.

Once I arrive home, I’m overcome with a vast sweep of loneliness as I enter the chilled place I call home.

I decide that I don’t really feel like being there either, so I step out of the house, and meander around until I end up at West Hudson Park.

I sit down on an empty bench, staring meaninglessly into the water. My lack of thought is interrupted by a angered blonde haired boy with nose ring and a lip ring, sitting at the opposite end of the bench as me. I pull of my trusty pack of cancer sticks and light one up, the nicotine cursing through my body, instantly calming me.

“Can I bum one of those?” the boy asks, and I retrieve my pack and offer it to him. He graciously accepts and thanks me then begins searching his pockets.

“Fuck!” He exclaims

“Need a light?” I ask him smoothly. He smiles and nods.

“Thanks” he breaths a sigh of relief as the toxic smoke fills his lungs.

He grins, “I’m Adam”