Let's Sleep Till the Sun Burns Out

Chapter 8

*Franks POV*

Damn Gerard! On second thought, I cant exactly blame him for not wanting to be in the same car as me. Why did I have to turn him down? Maybe because the only Gerard I have known for the longest time has been cruel to me and all of a sudden he just starts being nice and expects me to be his boyfriend?

“Hey Frank you okay?” Mikey asks snapping me back to reality

“Yeah I am fine just thinking..” I trail off again.

“Oh you shouldn’t do that its not good for your little brain.” Mikey says obviously trying to make me laugh.

“Yeah I know because my brain is so small its only about two times bigger then your is.” I joke back.

Mikey looks slightly crushed, not having anything to retaliate back with.

“So uh how are we going to get home since my stupid brother decided to desert us in the middle of winter five miles away from home for no apparent reason.” Mikey grumbles

What Mikey doesn’t know is that I’m the reason Gerard doesn’t want to give us a ride home. Or, me at least. Why he doesn’t want to give his own brother a ride home, that fails me.

“I’ve got a couple dollars we could catch the bus if you want I mean its either that or we walk our lazy asses home,” I state somewhat sadly pulling a crumpled up five dollar bill out of my pocket.

God what a crummy day I’ve had. First to start things off I had my sweater stolen and then the bitch got me thrown in mall jail, then Gerard asked me out and I had to turn him down and now here we are. Poor Mikey has to pay for my mistakes as well.

“Hey. I’m sorry man,” I state was we climb onto the bus handing the bus driver my money.

“For what?” Mikey looks kind of cold despite his pea coat.

“This whole shitty day was my fault,” I say slipping in next to him on a seat in the back of the bus.

“Its no problem I’ve had worse believe me,” I don’t get how Mikey always manages to stay so cheerful I will have to learn how to do that.

“Well as long as you forgive me.” I say faking a smile. The bus falls silent the entire ride home.

“Hey Frank cheer up its almost Christmas you have no reason to be upset,” Mikey says nudging me playfully as we were climbing out of the bus by a busy intersection.

“Yeah I guess, hey I will meet you at home I just got an idea on what to get someone for the perfect Christmas preset,” I say grinning.

Mikey smiles and walks home and I head to the nearest jewelers.

The lights are very dim inside and the only other human in the building is a very snobby looking old dude who looks like he smells something very bad.

“Can I help you sir?” Yup he’s definitely a grumpy old man. He’s especially gonna hate the fact the fact that I am buying the ring for another guy.

“Yeah I wanna look at the male silver bands.” He cringes slightly when I say this. I sense a homophobe! This Is gonna be fun.

“This way sir”

I follow the old man to the band section and right away spot the perfect one. Silver. With a black heart engraved into the top. I want that one. I say poking the glass. I follow the man to the register and hand him my debit card.

“A little Christmas present to yourself sir?” the man asks sliding my card.

“Nope to the guy that I love.”