Let's Sleep Till the Sun Burns Out

Chapter 9

*Gerard’s POV*

“Well hello there, Adam, I’m Gerard,” I smile warmly.

“So, are you doing anything special today for Christmas Eve?” he asks breaking the momentary silence.

“Talking to strangers on benches,” I grin “What about you?”

“Just got in a fight with my parents,” he states simply “Apparently they don’t approve of ‘my type of people’,” he says in a mimicking tone.

I raise an eyebrow quizzically “Your type of people?” I question.

“Yeah,” he continues “you know, guys who like other guys.” he says simply.

“Ahh, I know the type well” I say to him, "They probably wouldn't care much for me either."

He smiles at me and I grin back at him, blushing slightly for unknown reasons.

Adam and I talk for God knows how long, before I invite him to stay over at my house tonight. The sun starts to set and we hurry to mine, New Jersey isn’t exactly the safest place to be walking around at night, especially for two of “our types”.

We arrive back home and as we step in the door, I quickly lead him up to my room, not in the mood for introductions right now.

After we talked for a little while longer, we both realize that we have a lot in common. For instance, we both love The Misfits, we’re both singers, neither of us can stand the smell of vanilla, and we both use Herbal Essences shampoo and conditioner.

I, later, finally decide that I had better introduce everyone to my newfound friend, but when we exit my lightless room, the shower is running and Mikey is already asleep.

“Hey Gee, where am I gonna sleep?” Adam whispers, filling the mood of the dark house.

“Umm, fuck, well Frank sleeps on the couch already, so you can sleep in my bed and I’ll sleep on the floor,” I suggest to him.

“Holy shit, you have a floor in that room?” he kids, although it is pretty right on.

“Good point,” I laugh “Well, we could just sleep in the same bed,” I gesture towards it

“Alright, that sounds fine, if it's okay with you” he grins happily.

"Yep, sounds great," I reply. Let's just hope I don't have any....vivid dreams.

“Oh Gee,” he gets my attention.


“Thanks for everything, I really appreciate it,” he says honestly.

To tell the truth, I think Adam and I are going to become very good friends. At least, I hope we are.