Status: Want 5 comments to post the next chapter! xD

Love? Salvatore? Blood!

Their House? More like mansion!

“Sure, I guess. So they live…”Whoa.Here?!This house is like everything I ever dreamed of. It actually seems familiar. Have I been here before?

I couldn’t have. It looked very old and yet very cool. Weird feelings.

I started to shiver.That’s weird.

“Yep. I’m guessing you like it.” He then smiles. He has a pretty smile. Something isn’t right though.

“Yes, I do!”Wow. I’m smiling. Good feeling.

“Oh by the way, what dentist did those fangs?!” I then pointed at his fangs. They were really well done. They almost looked real?

“Umm…” He started out. Is he hiding something? I stopped smiling.Why is he hiding his fangs? They're fake for crying out loud, aren't they?

“Fine then. Don’t tell me!” I said playfully. Well I hope he knows I’m playing. But then he smiled again. Except his fangs? They looked hidden? Where'd they go?

I heard something. A very loud something. A crash?
Apparently, Damien heard it too.

“What was that?!”

“Umm...I don’t really know.” I could tell he was lying somehow. Especially by the way he paused for a long time. Probably thinking up a lie.

“Well, I’m going to find out!” I was always a sucker for adventure for some reason.

“Wait! Elizabeth!” I heard him shouting. And I heard loud footsteps coming from behind. He's a fast runner. But I'm faster! Or so I thought...

I then stopped on the tenth step.

“Yeah?” I asked. It couldn’t be anything important. It could be just a fallen vase or something. Why was he so worried?

He didn’t answer.

“Oh well! Catch me, if you can!” I started running with all of my might. Which was very hard to do in a old house.

“Hello there!” Damien? Already? Dang.

“Ahhh! You scared me!” I laughed playfully. “How did you beat me?! I’m faster than everyone!”Well at the park with strangers I am…

“I bet I did. You’re such a dork!” He laughed with a toothy grin.


This is the part where I got all curious. There is a very long hallway, very dark also. Of course I am going to go down it and explore. I turned around, hoping Damien was behind me but he wasn’t. I was even hoping to see Damon and Stefan. Chills ran up my arms and spine. I should go back now…

“OW!” Broken glass? Great. Blood is everywhere now. Ugh.

Footsteps. Very loud and fast footsteps.

“Damien? Don’t worry I’m fine! I just stepped on broken glass. I also found a picture of….”
I can’t believe it. It looks like… “Me?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sucky and Short?
But its all I got.:P
I decided to send you a message everytime I make a chapter so you can get an idea and stuff. ^-^
Good with you?
I hope so!