Sequel: I've Never Told A Lie
Status: Editing. Be patient.ffffffffffffff

Dark Eyed Dreamers


Jack POV

I sped towards Jasey Rae's house in my silver Audi. I was playing some Green Day. I pulled up next to the curb and got out. I jogged to the door and knocked.

"Hi, Mrs. Thomas." I grinned when Jasey's mom answered.

"Oh please, Alex. You're practically family! Call me Martha. Can I take your jacket?" she smiled warmly.

"Okay, Martha, and yes you can." I replied, shrugging out of my black leather jacket and handing it to her.

"JR's room is upstairs, second door on the left." she called to me as I walked away.

"Kay, thanks." I called and jogged upstairs.

I walked into Jasey's room. It had purple walls, caramel wood flooring, and a white bed, which Jasey Rae was stretched out on with her lovely hair fanning out on either side of her.

She was wearing a yoke-yellow tank top, matching leggings, a jean skirt, and baby blue Converses were half-kicked under the bed.

"Hey Jase." I smirked.

She bolted up and looked at me with wide eyes. I'd forgotten what I may be getting myself into until just now. My eyes widened, too.

"ALEX GASKARTH?!?!" she screamed.

"In the flesh." I smirked. She just stared at me for a couple seconds. "Hey, where's my hug?" I smiled cockily.

"You're not getting one." she snapped.

So this was how it was going to be. Alright, fine. Two could play that game and I could play it just as good as Jasey Rae Thomas. Maybe better.

"Fine." I sighed dramatically.

I walked over to her dresser out of boredom and noticed she was listening to New Found Glory.

"You like New Found Glory?" I asked, trying to keep a smile from creeping on to my face.

"Yes. Why." she answered tonelessly.

"I don't." I admitted.

"Who asked you?" she shot back.

"No one, but I think you should get into better music." I replied innocently.

"Really, and what would you suggest?" she laughed.

"MY band!" I said pointedly.

"You're in a band?" she asked skeptically.

"Hell yeah! Dakota Beach!" I smirked. And yet another short and awkward silence!

"Show me." she challenged. I reached into my back pocket and took out a picture.

"That's Zayden, our guitarist, Zach, our bassist, Rick, our drummer, and me." I explained, pointing as I talked. She looked at the picture for a moment, then back up at me.

"And what do you do?" she asked.

"Guitar and vocals." I said smoothly.

"Can you leave now?" she snapped.

And she STILL wasn't impressed! What would it take with this bitch? Flying purple elephants?! But maybe it was all an act. Yeah right! I'd bet my car that she was STILL bullshit at acting. Yet that didn't make me any happier. What would? Her heart? Nah!

"Make me!" I laughed. She pinched me on the arm. "Ow! Ouch! Okay, I'm going!" I said, walking out with my hands raised. I saw Jasey Rae's mom on my way out.

"How'd it go?" she asked cheerily.

"How do you think?" I snapped, putting my jacket back on which she had handed me.

"Didn't you hear her screaming?" I asked bitterly.

"Yes, Jasey Rae can have quite a temper. I'd best watch out if I were you. The boy who breaks her heart won't come out alive." she advised.

"But-" I stuttered.

"That's the breaks, Evers. If you really want her trust and love, you'll have to earn it back the hard way after how you hurt her. Could take years." Mrs. Thomas warned.

I sighed and walked to my car to go and get the rest of my stuff from the house to dump it here. It was gonna be a LONG weekend.


I still felt a little pissed once I got on the road, but I'm okay. I think. At least I'm trying not to think of the fact that I'll be living next to a psychopath, namely Jasey Rae Thomas, for fuck knows how long. I had to turn my car stereo up as far as it would go so that I Miss You by Blink-182 kept this from bouncing around in my head.

My cell phone beeped then as I received a text from Zayden.

'Yo, J-man. where r u?' it said.

'In my car' I texted back.

The house was wrecked. I avoided going into the basement as I packed up. Even though it was huge, I had to bring my guitar. It'd help me write new songs and annoy the crap out of Jasey Rae. This would be fun
♠ ♠ ♠

Gold Peak Green Tea makes everything better.