Sequel: I've Never Told A Lie
Status: Editing. Be patient.ffffffffffffff

Dark Eyed Dreamers

Jasey Rae

Jasey Rae POV

Of course, Alicia, Kara, and Amanda took it upon themselves to make me over for the six-month anniversary date. A couple hours later, I was in a baby blue sleeveless dress, my hair curled, and a pair of white wedges on my feet. I gasped.

"Thank you!" I cried, throwing my arms around them. They touched up my blush.

"Are you ladies finished torturing my girlfriend?" Jack asked from the doorway. I ran and hugged him. He put a hand over my eyes.

"I can't see!" I whined.

"That's the whole point!" he said pointedly.

"But I'll walk into a wall!" I whined.

"Would I let you walk into a wall?" he asked, caressing my hip.

"No." I gasped.

"I didn't think so." he breathed, his hot breath tickling my cheek. Soon, he uncovered my eyes and I saw a limo parked by the curb.

"A limo? Why?" I gasped.

"I wanted to make this special for you." he replied.

"Thank you!" I squealed.

I hugged him and kissed his cheek. He helped me in and soon the limo pulled up to the Baltimore docks.

"Why are we here?" I asked.

He gestured to a white boat. A big one. He picked me up bridal style and carried me on. He finally put me down on the deck in a fancy chair by a table.

"I'm perfectly capable of walking, thank you." I said pointedly.

"I just wanted to be a gentleman." he smiled.

He lifted the lid of the platter, revealing a large amount of spaghetti. He took off his jacket and sat down.

"Who made this?" I asked.

"I did. And my mom helped. A lot." he admitted. I laughed and leaned over to kiss him. I took a bite.

"It's delicious!" I smiled.

"So am I." he smiled.

He noticed a string of spaghetti hanging out of my mouth so he leaned in and grabbed the other end. We both ate until we kissed. He shoved his tongue between my lips and started roaming my mouth. We broke off for air.

"That was cliche, but you're such a good kisser." he panted, his voice husky. I giggled.

"Are you laughing at me, Miss Thomas?" he asked.

"Yes!" I laughed.

"I'll teach you to ridicule Jack Ryan Evers!" he said, throwing me on his back and spinning in circles.

"Put me down! Now!" I screamed. He finally did. "That wasn't nice." I huffed. He took me in his arms.

"Aw, I'm sorry, sweetheart." he whispered.

We began to dance as After The Last Midtowm Show by The Academy Is came on. It was perfect. He led me by the hand to the deck and stood behind me.

"Wow. This is amazing!" I said, looking out onto the water.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, put his head on my shoulder, and nuzzled my neck.

"Yes, you are." he smiled.

"Listen there's something I have to tell you." he said seriously.

"You don't have an STD, do you?" I asked. He laughed.

"No. That's not it." he smiled.

"Then what is it?" I asked.

"Dakota Beach got signed." he whispered.

I turned around and hugged him and kissed him. He grabbed my shoulders and held me at arms' length.

"I wasn't finished." he said seriously.

"Go on." I whispered.

"They want us to go on tour and do some recording." he said. I hugged him.

"That's great!" I cried.

"I know." he smiled, his brown eyes bright.

"How long will all that take?" I asked.

"Six months. But I promise I'll call every day and night and we're doing a hometown show at Towson University and the end." he said guiltily.

"You sure you won't want to get with a groupie?" I asked.

"Positive. I'll never ever cheat." he promised.

I buried my face in his chest and listened to his heart. It was steady and it relaxed me.

"You're not mad?" he asked curiously.

"No. This is your dream. What kind of girlfriend would I be if I kept you from living it?" I said.

"Good cuz I want to be with you forever." he replied.
♠ ♠ ♠

This story almost has two stars! Keep reading!

Three chapters left with an eight-chapter sequel to follow.