Sequel: I've Never Told A Lie
Status: Editing. Be patient.ffffffffffffff

Dark Eyed Dreamers

Jasey Rae

Jasey Rae POV

The guys had a going-away party the night before they left for tour. Jack promised he wouldn't get drunk this time and I was a fool to believe he'd follow through with that promise. When I walked in the door, I was tackled by Jack and Zayden who lay on top of me.

"Get off." I groaned.

Zayden pushed himself up, but Jack stayed, a crooked smile on his face. He was definitely drunk. He began kissing every part of me he could reach.

"Stop. Get off me." I gasped. I sat up quickly, dumping him on the floor. I walked off to get a drink. I mixed Coke and vodka.

"Whoa there, busy girl." someone said, grabbing the cup before I could tip its contents into my mouth.

"What's wrong?" Alicia asked.

"Jack's totally wasted, Ali. He's being overly horny." I said sadly, as I looked on, where Jack was doing a booty dance in the middle of the floor.

"He doesn't mean it. It's the alcohol acting for him. He won't remember this tomorrow." she told me.

"That's the point, Als. I'm not one to get hung up on relationship firsts and lasts, but this is our last night together before he goes off to tour for six months and I graduate and go off to college and he doesn't even care." I choked.

"Don't sink to his level, then. Show him you're too good for him. Show him he doesn't deserve you." she advised.

"That's hard." I sighed.

"No, it is not, considering that's the truth. He played you like a violin and you didn't even notice." Alicia said pointedly.

"What are you talking about?" I asked , clueless.

"Upstairs in Jack's bedroom. That's all I'm going to say." she said and I went up. I found Jack putting on his clothes and Amanda wrapped in the sheets. Alicia was right.

"What the fuck?" I asked.

"Jase, babe!" Jack slurred, crushing me to his bare chest.

I punched him in the stomach and heard the satisfying sound of the air whooshing out of him and walked off.

"Jasey, wait! Jasey, please. Jasey Rae! JASEY RAE!" Jack yelled, running after me. He caught me by the arm in the front yard.

"What? What can you possibly say to make this shitty situation better?" I snapped.

"I'm sorry?" he said as more of a question.

"You're not. If you wanted to get with Amanda, you could've said so seven months ago and I would've hooked you up with her! You didn't have to pretend to like me!" I yelled.

"You think I was pretending?!" he yelled and his eyes flashed with anger.

"Yeah! Weren't you?" I snapped.

"Hell no!" he yelled.

"I know you're expecting me to fall into your arms in forgiveness, but know this. You're not the same boy you were eleven years ago. Where is he? That's what I've been asking myself for the past ten minutes, you dirty rotten manwhore!" I seethed.

"You know, I wouldn't have to cheat if you'd let me kiss you and be a little intimate every once in a great fucking while! You are my girlfriend, after all! I'm a little sexually frustrated!" he yelled.

"But you cheated on me with my best friend! You are the most condescending, backstabbing, egotistic, underhanded, arrogant, miserable piece of filth I have ever met!" I screamed.

"You're right. I'm sorry." he breathed seductively.

He grabbed me kissed me roughly, shoving his tongue into my mouth. His hands raced up and down my body, groping everywhere possible. He grinded against me and tried to push me into the house as he ripped my tank top off, but then two pairs of hands pulled me away.

Kara kicked Jack in the balls and he fell unconscious to the concrete. Rick led me away from the scene and held me as I cried.

Kara drove me to her house and we stayed up baking and watching movies and I almost forgot about Jack. Almost.


50 phone calls
70 text messages
40 MySpace messages

That was how many times the guys had tried to reach me. But I didn't give in. I removed them from Caller ID, turned off my phone, changed my relationship status on MySpace back to Single, blocked them, removed them from my Friends List, and logged out for good.

I went to Jack's to get my stuff and move in with Kara, who was attending Towson University with me.

"What are you doing?" Jack asked.

"Getting my stuff to move in with Kara." I replied.

"No! Don't do that! Please!" he begged, tears appearing in his eyes.

"Why not? Neither of us loves the other and you're leaving. It's for the best." I replied and we left it at that.

Alicia's phone rang.

"Hello?" she said and handed the phone to me.

"Amanda wants to talk to you." she said and I took the phone.

"Hello?" I said as Alicia had.

"Oh, my God, Jasey! I'm so sorry! I was drunk and Jack was so persuasive! I didn't know what I was doing! I'm sorry, really! I didn't mean it!" she sobbed.

"I know, it's okay. I'm not mad at you." I assured.

"You're not?" she asked.

"Of course not! I know you wouldn't do anything to mess things up." I assured.

"Thanks. Can I come over?" she asked.

"Sure!" I smiled.

"By the way, the boys are crazy worried!" she gushed.

"Even Jack?" I asked coldly.

"Yes, especially him! He's pacing and ripping his hair out! He hasn't showered or changed his clothes and he won't eat even though you can hear his stomach growling a mile away." she rambled.

"I can hear you, I'm not fucking deaf, bitch!" I heard Jack yell.

"Well, you shouldn't eavesdrop, asshole!" she yelled back.

"I wasn't such an asshole when you were moaning my name!" he yelled.

"I swear I was saying Zach. I was slurring so-" she started, but I cut in.

"I don't need to know!" I said quickly.

"Okay. See you in five. Bye!" Amanda said quickly and hung up.

"Amanda's coming over." I told the girls.

"Are you sure about this?" Kara asked.

"Positive. It wasn't her fault." I explained.

"She speaks the truth. I was there." Alicia put in. There was a knock on the door.

"That will be Amanda." I sighed and went to get it, but it was Jack and Zayden.

"What do you want?" I whispered.

"I want to apologize." he snarled. I sighed.

"Fine. You have one minute. Go." I said coldly.

"Jasey Rae, I'm so sorry. You don't even know how sorry I am. I made huge mistake. But I drank too much even though I know you hate it when I do that. I really wanted to get you in bed, but it didn't work, so I got mad. I was wrong. You should hate me." he explained sadly.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes." he whispered lowly.

"Good, cuz I've never hated anyone more than I hate you right now. Get out. Move on." I seethed.

"I guess I will." he sighed.

"Dude, we have to leave." Zayden said.

"See you in six months." Jack said and walked off as I glared at him. And that was the last time I saw Jack Evers. Or so I thought.