Sequel: I've Never Told A Lie
Status: Editing. Be patient.ffffffffffffff

Dark Eyed Dreamers


Jack POV

I finally finished getting my stuff and went back to Jasey Rae's house. I went into her room and tried to talk to her. She resisted. I was not used to girls repelling me like this. Usually it took a crowbar and ten super-strong security guards to get them all off me, and even then, they'd follow me one step behind. But Jasey Rae was different. Unlike the other fangirls, I could be passionately in love with her and hate her guts all at the same time.

"Jack, for the millionth time, I HAVE A HUGE HISTORY PROJECT DUE!" she snapped.

"Not gonna work on me. I'm too hot to leave." I smirked.

"Oh, piss off, will you?" she snapped.

"Bitch." I muttered.

"Bastard." she shot back.

I slumped out of her room and into mine. I got my guitar and strummed random notes. She banged on the wall and I heard her yell something, so I went back in. Mission accomplished.

"What?" I spat.

"Don't play so loud." she grinned.

"You don't like it?" I droned.

"Nope." she said, popping my lips on the "P". I sighed, plopped on the bed, and covered my face with my hands. Things were not going the way I wanted or planned. "What?" she asked, walking over and sitting with me. I sighed again.

"I was prepared to come back to you and have everything be okay. That we'd be hanging out and laughing like old times, but you absolutely hate me, don't you?" I mumbled.

"Yes." she whispered. That one word could've been the death. God, I'm so weak and melodramatic!

"Alright, I guess I'll leave you alone, then." I sighed and slumped out.

"Jack, wait-" she said, but I cut in.

"No, it's okay." I mumbled, shutting the door behind me.

I know, I went too far and I regret that. We both did. But I have no idea if, even under all the hate, she still loves me. There's only one way to find out. Dinner was quiet. Jasey and I barely spoke.

"Jase, you're awfully quiet tonight. Something wrong?" her mom asked.

"No." she mumbled.

"What about you, Jack? Getting settled in okay?" she asked.

"Yes, ma'am." I muttered.

I looked at Jasey Rae and she looked at me. She looked a little scared and nervous. I felt nauseous. I had to get out of here before I ended up spilling my guts to Jasey Rae and ruining everything.

"Martha, may I be excused, please?" I sighed.

"Yes, you may, Jack." she obliged.

I thumped upstairs. I tried to write a song but all I ended up with was a ten foot high pile of sheet music in the trash. I turned my i-pod on to Runaway by Cartel. Someone knocked ten minutes later.

"Come in." I called.

Jasey Rae came in, looking spectacular in a hot pink bathrobe and her hair wrapped up in a towel atop her head and her skin sparkling.

"Hi." she whispered shyly.

"Oh, it's you. I thought it was your mom, coming to explain why her daughter's acting like a total bitch." I fumed.

"No, but that's what I'm here for." she said wryly.

"Go on, then." I said impatiently.

"Jack, I'm really sorry. I'm still kinda mad at you for what happened that summer. Can we start over? Maybe be friends?" she said.

"Or maybe we could just ignore each other." I mumbled.

"I guess." she said and left.

I had blown it. Told her I didn't even want to be friends. Ah well, there was always Amanda, a really hot girl at school.

I couldn't believe it. Jasey Rae ignored me all weekend and said nothing when I played my guitar slightly loud on accident. I missed that girl and I'd have to act all cuddly towards Amanda since I'd been flirt-texting her all weekend to unsuccessfully keep my mind off Jasey Rae. Every song I wrote sucked because it was about Jasey Rae and how much I loved her. There has to be a better way to do this. Whatever it was, I'd find it.
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