Sequel: I've Never Told A Lie
Status: Editing. Be patient.ffffffffffffff

Dark Eyed Dreamers

Jasey Rae

Jasey Rae POV

I had Health for 2nd period on Monday, and for the first time, I noticed Zayden was in it. He was sitting alone, so I went over to him.

"Hey, you mind if I sit here?" I asked. He looked up and saw it was me.

"No, of course not! Go right ahead!" he grinned.

"Thanks. I'm Jasey Rae." I said

"Zayden" he mumbled. A silence stretched between us as he texted someone. He finally shut his phone.

"Hey, aren't you in that band, Dakota Beach?" I asked.

"That depends. Do you like them?" he asked slyly

"Their lead singer's a douche bag, but they're pretty good overall." I answered.

"Then yes, I am the guitarist of Dakota Beach." he announced.

We turned to listen to what Mrs. Mernick had to say. Zayden and I high-fived when she announced we would be baking a cake with our partners.

"Don't worry, Jase. I've got this assignment IN THE BAG!" he laughed.

"Yeah, right! Like you can cook better than me!" I smirked.

"Oh, you're right! I could burn a pop tart." he admitted, smacking his forehead comically.

"Okay, so I'll do the baking and you can lick the spoon!" I said simply.

"Deal." he agreed. When class was over, he walked me to third period Gym. "Jasey listen, um, would you um like to by my uh girlfriend?" he asked.

I thought for a moment. On the one hand, Zayden was a really nice guy, unlike Jack. But on the other hand, I was still holding out a small hope that Jack would change his mind about us. Oh, what am I thinking? Zayden is DEFINITELY the better guy for me.

"Jasey, can you please hurry up and decide? I'm losing my mind here! Don't even think about what your answer will do to me, whatever it is. Just make the decision based on what would make you happiest." he rambled nervously.

"Zayden, I would love to be your girlfriend." I smiled and he pulled me down for a hug.

Over Zayden's shoulder I spotted Jack, who had observed our more-than-friendly embrace. He looked absolutely livid. He glared daggers at us and made a nasty finger gesture to Zayden's back, but he didn't notice. I pushed Zayden away gently.

"I gotta go. Coach Carson will make me run laps if I'm late one more time." I sighed, walking off. I changed into my uniform in a daze.

Why had Jack been so angry? It's not like I meant anything to him or belonged to him! I could do whatever I wanted! Okay, so it may have been a bit awkward to see his ex-best friend hugging his current best friend, but that's no reason to get mad! God, sometimes he can be such a confusing asshole!

In Gym, I met Rick, the guitarist in Dakota Beach. We played dodgeball and I was on his team and we won. I finally met up with Kara, Amanda, and Alicia at lunch.

Kara had been my best friend since first grade when she transferred schools. She had wildly curly, shoulder~length brown hair, green eyes and the body of a professional athlete. She was dressed in a Towson University t~shirt, pink Nike shorts, and Reebok sneakers.

Amanda and I had met in freshman year when we'd sat next to each other in Algebra II. She had neat, curly, golden blond hair, ocean blue eyes, and curves every girl couldn't help but envy. Today, she was wearing a navy blue Hollister sweatshirt with a lacy tank top underneath it, a blue plaid short skirt and white strappy high heeled sandals.

And Alicia and I had been partners in Science in sixth grade and we immediately became friends. She was pretty tall with pale blond wavy hair, and hazel eyes. Today, she had on a faded jean jacket, a sleeveless white dress and white wedges. I was wearing my Dallas Cowboys jersey, blue skinny jeans, and dark brown Uggs slip~ons

"And then he ASKED ME!" I squealed.

I was telling the girls what had happened today. Of course, I'd leave out any parts about Jack. We were all at Kara's locker.

"So what'd you say?" Amanda gasped.

"Yes, of course!" I giggled. Alicia hugged me.

"I'm so happy for you!" she smiled.

"Thanks." A pair of arms wrapped around my waist from behind.

"Hey, gorgeous." A voice breathed in my ear. A voice I recognized as Jack's. I swung my elbow, which contacted with his gut.

"Aww!" he grunted, backing away from me as he doubled over. Zayden walked up.

"He messin with you? That's what you get!" Zayden said, flicking Jack's ear. That made Jack suddenly recover from his "pain" and he tackled Zayden to the ground.

"JAAAAAAY-SEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! HELP! GET 'IM OFF ME!" Zayden screamed. I bent down, grabbed Jack's arms, and gently yanked them off Zayden. I helped Zayden up. "Ladies, let's go to lunch, shall we?" Zayden asked in a corny British accent.

"We shall." I imitated him.

We linked arms and skipped off. We took a seat, me, Zayden, Kara, Amanda, and Alicia on one side and Jack, Zach, and Rick across from us.

"So Jasey Rae, what class do you have next?" Zayden asked.

"Art." I answered. Jack's head shot up.

"That's what I have too!" he said.

"Me too!" Alicia said.

"Me twee!" Zayden said in a baby voice.

Great. One long hour with Jack and Zayden in the same room. Thank God Alicia would be there!
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