Sequel: I've Never Told A Lie
Status: Editing. Be patient.ffffffffffffff

Dark Eyed Dreamers


Jack POV

For 2nd period, I had World History, the dullest subject in the world. Five minutes in, Zayden texted me.

'Dude, a really gorgeous girl just sat next 2 me!' he wrote.

'whats her name' I texted back.

'jasey rae' he texted

'NO! get the FUCK away from her!' I texted

'ok, i will, if it means that much 2 u. jeez.' he texted.

'guud. if u try 2 put a move on her, i'll fucking murder u!' I warned. I don't believe it! My own best friend! I loved her and hated her, wanted her, but didn't. It was a hard line to walk.

The class droned on an don and on. Amanda sat near me and purposely rubbed her thigh up against mine.

Finally, I went off to Calculus, but what I saw on the way made me so mad. Zayden, my own best friend, was hugging Jasey Rae, the girl I loved. I was furious. I was seething. I glared daggers at her. Jasey saw and she looked frightened. I gave Zayden's back the bird. They finally let go and Zayden walked over to me.

"Hey man!" he said cheerfully. I ignored him. "What's wrong, dude?" he asked

"Ha! Like you don't know." I laughed bitterly. He thought for a moment.

"Oh, FUCKING IT! I'm sorry, man. Shit, fuck! What can I do?" he asked.

"Break up with her." I grumbled.

"No, I'm sorry. I never want to break her heart. It would hurt too much." he said softly.

"Stop making me feel bad!" I whispered weakly.

"Sorry. Look, if you want her trust at all, you're gonna have to earn it and that's that." he told me.

"You're right." I admitted.

A plan was formulating in my mind. She was going to trust me if it was the last thing I ever did. In Calculus, I took my usual seat, in the back, next to Zayden.

"If you fucking fuck Jasey Rae, I'll fucking murder you." I mumbled dangerously.

"Fine, bro. I won't if it's that important to you!" Zayden promised irritably.

I heard Jasey Rae talking with her friends in the hallway. She was looking gorgeous in a Dallas jersey and blue skinny jeans.

"And then he ASKED ME!" she squealed.

She was, of course, talking about Zayden. She hadn't said a word about me and I didn't think she ever would. But she will end up loving me. I always get what I want

"So what'd you say?" Amanda gasped.

"Yes, of course!" Jasey Rae giggled. So she was happy with him. I must be dead because I think this is hell

"I'm so happy for you!" one girl said.

"Thanks." Jasey Rae answered.

I snuck up on her and wrapped my arms around her waist. I knew this was the one and only time to hold her. She hated me. Yet I loved her. Mostly. She could be a bitch sometimes. I was intoxicated by her at the moment. She smelled like vanilla.

"Hey, gorgeous." I breathed in her ear. She stiffened in my arms. She elbowed me hard in the gut. I had not seen that one coming. "Aww!" I grunted, backing away from her as I doubled over.

"He messin with you? That's what you get!" I heard Zayden say, flicking my ear. I bolted up and tackled Zayden to the ground.


I didn't see her bend down, but she grabbed my arms, and I let her pull me off Zayden. She helped Zayden up, but left me panting on the ground.

"Ladies, let's go to lunch, shall we?" Zayden asked in a corny British accent.

"We shall." she imitated him.

They linked arms and skipped off. How I envied Zayden! Amanda walked over and helped me up.

"Thanks." I whispered.

"Don't mention it." she smiled and walked after Jasey Rae, followed by the other two girls whose names I hadn't caught.

Though I was sure that I hadn't had sex with the two mystery girls and Jasey Rae of course, I planned to change that with Jasey. After I scored Jasey Rae, I'd change my habits. You see, I'm the guy who gets drunk then has sex with a random girl at parties. Call me shallow, but they're all too willing to be screwed up. Then in the morning, I leave them. But I saw Jasey Rae as a rare challenge. A challenge I would conquer.

We took a seat, Jasey, Zayden, Amanda, and the two mystery girls on one side and me, Zach, and Rick across from us.

"So Jasey Rae, what class do you have next?" Zayden asked her.

"Art." she answered.

Fuck! No way! My head shot up.

"That's what I have too!" I said.

"Me too!" The pale blond girl said.

"Me twee!" Zayden said in a baby voice.

Yes! One whole hour with Jasey Rae!
♠ ♠ ♠

Imma leave y'all hanging, wondering what will happen in Art. I'm so bad-ass.