Sequel: I've Never Told A Lie
Status: Editing. Be patient.ffffffffffffff

Dark Eyed Dreamers


Jack POV

I couldn't wait for lunch to end, so I could go to Art with Jasey Rae.

"Free art!" Zayden announced.

"Jack, go get the paints, paper, brushes, and water." Zayden demanded.

"Go get them yourself, fat ass!" I laughed.

"I'll get them!" Jasey Rae cut in.

She went to get them and came back. Zayden grabbed a cup of water, the brown paint, a brush, a piece of paper, and started painting. When he was done, he had a large brown dot on his paper.

"What is that?" Jasey Rae asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"A meatball." he grinned. I was bored, so I grabbed a tube of paint.

"Oh ZAAAYDEN?" I sang. I held a tube of red paint right next to Zayden's face, ready to squeeze in it.

"ZAYDEN, NO!" Jasey cried.

Zayden turned, just as I had planned, and gotten a face full of paint. He angrily wiped the paint away from his eyes.

"This means war." Zayden whispered. I started cracking up, smacking my thighs. What could he do to me?

Just then, he flung two paintbrushes at me. I dodged them just in time. I winced, but retaliated. Not five minutes later, I accidentally ruined Jasey Rae's jersey with orange paint. I covered my mouth, trying to hide my smile. She walked over to me with red paint and dumped the entire bottle on my head. It ruined my purple shirt.

Zayden started laughing his head off. I grabbed Jasey Rae's wrist and yanked her out of the room. I needed to kiss this girl. Get it over with and get her out of my head so I could focus on writing real music. Music that didn't involve her.

"Where are we going?" she asked nervously.

"Away from him." I choked.

It'd be best to do this away from Zayden, so he couldn't murder me for it. I didn't care if I was hurting her. I just wanted to get this goddamn kiss out of the way.

I pushed her into the janitor's closet and shut the door behind me. She backed against the wall, and then tried to get past me, but I chased her into the wall, trying to console her. I put my hands on the wall, on either side of her face, cornering her once and for all.

I leaned my head towards her and pushed my lips to hers. I kissed her with hunger and intensity, like I'd never kissed a girl. Of course, that isn't true. I'd kissed every girl in the whole school but three. Two actually, now that I was kissing Jasey Rae. And liking it. She was different from all the other girls I'd kissed. That's why I loved her so much.

She was intoxicating me again, with her floral and vanilla scent. I could taste strawberries and Reese's cups in her mouth. It was pure bliss.

One of my hands went to cradle her face, and the other tugged at the end of her jersey. Without thinking, I slowly moved my hand to her stomach and drew patterns on it, and to my surprise, she didn't object. She shivered and I chuckled. Then--

"JACK EVERS!" Mrs. Martin screamed. Ugh. Just go ahead and ruin a moment!

I turned in shock.

"JASEY THOMAS!" she screamed. "TO THE TIME-OUT ROOM! BOTH OF YOU!" she screamed.

"FOR WHAT?" I yelled back.


"Oh, go suck balls, ANDREA!" I yelled. "And that's Jasey RAE!" I added.

Mrs. Martin looked like I had slapped her as she walked off. Jasey Rae huffed and walked off, with me on her tail.

"Wanna make out?" I smirked.

"We just were!" she huffed. Did she not understand how much I wanted her?

"I wasn't finished." I admitted.

Would I ever be?

"You'll live." she said and we walked into the time~out room. I met up with Zayden in Biology near the end of the day.

"So what'd you do while I was gone?" I asked, referring to Art.

"Talked to Alicia." he said.

"Who's that?" I smirked.

"You know Jasey Rae's blond friend? Not Amanda, the other one." he said.

"Oh yeah! And?" I smirked, cocking an eyebrow.

"And what?" he asked.

"What's she like?" I asked.

"She's sweet, smart, funny, and down~to~earth." he sighed.

"Hey, whoa! You already have Jasey Rae! Save some of the ladies for the ladies' man!" I said.

"Don't you go near Alicia!" he warned.

"Chill! She's not my type anyway!" I said calmly. After class, I went to Jasey Rae's locker.

"Jasey Rae." I mumbled.

"Yes?" she asked.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"For what?" she asked, walking off. I followed.

"How I acted today. I can't help it, though. You make me act like an immature pervert. But I really did want to kiss you." I said quietly.

"You should've thought of that before!" she snapped.

"Before what?" I asked, waiting for the familiar sting of heartache to come.

"Before you broke my heart and made Zayden put it back together. I'm with him now and you're just going to have to accept that." she said. There it was. The pain was as strong as ever.

"If only you would." I muttered under my breath.

"What?" she asked.

"Why'd you kiss me, then?" I challenged, changing directions.

"Um, I think we're forgetting who yanked who into a janitor's closet!" she snapped. True.

"You enjoyed it! Admit it, Jasey Rae Thomas, you like me!" I smirked.

Zayden came over and wrapped his arms around her waist. How I wanted to be where he was! But I wasn't because I'd screwed up.

"Guess who?" Zayden asked.

"Zayden!" she giggled. Ugh. She was rubbing it in my face! She turned around and they kissed.

"So Jasey, there's a huge party at my house Friday to celebrate the release of our EP, Scattered Hopes. You should come." I said.

"Totally! We're doing a performance at the Amphitheater right before. Come check us out!" Zayden chimed in.

"Sure." she agreed and we walked out.
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