

My system was pretty cool. Basically, it stopped the time flow within a certain space. It used an ionically convergent stream of Higgs Bosons (from Mikhail gravitic engines) to produce hyper intense fields of micro-local gravity. Basically, it stopped time like a black hole, just creating enough gravity to suck in time, but because it was micro-local, it pulled on every particle in every direction. This way, time stood still, but we didn't get shredded to pieces. Cool, right?

Now, I entered all the necessary commands into the computer, and informed the crew. "Alright guys, in thirty seconds we're going to conk out for a couple hundred years."

"Interestingly," said Mikhail, "It would seem as a few hundred years to us, were we conscious, it will not seem that long to an outside observer because of relativistic time dilation. Also, because of the observer effect, the time will actually never have really passed, because we will all have been non-observant during it's passage."

"What about myself?" asked Roger, "Do I not count as an observer?"

"Well, said Mikhail, smiling, "We will soon find out, da?"

With that sentence, the chronostatic drive kicked in, and we knew nothing more for the next (seemingly) millionth of a second, when we awoke to alarms and klaxons sounding.

I’ll get to that in a second, first I want to talk about Mikhail’s engines.