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Vampires Will Never Hurt You

Part One

Vampires Will Never Hurt You
Part One

The sky was a mottled red as the sun set on the golden desert sands. We’ve been walking for days through these damned lands; we aren’t faster or stronger than them. We don’t burn in the sun either or sparkle like some say either. It’s just cooler at night; the desert heat makes my head hazy. I can’t think, can’t walk. And we’re so hungry; it’s been little over a week since we last ate and my stomach had taken to contracting in painful bursts.

“I’m hungry!” Frank had been moaning about the same damn thing for the past few hours and no matter how much I loved him, he was beginning to annoy me. “Just a while longer” I couldn’t help but clench my jaw as my stomach protested in another excruciating wave. Closing my eyes I pushed myself over a rise in the earth; upward, onward, slowly moving toward civilisation, toward the shade of buildings, the smell of car fumes. I smiled at the thought; this was where we were heading, why we were traipsing through the barren wilderness. With a soft thud, I tripped on a ridge, face pressed against warm gritty tarmac. Tarmac?
“Kay!” my short, tan lover ran to my side, brown eyes wide as I laughed a little. A road; we were going home. “Frank! It’s a road!” I jumped to my feet, black hair falling in my face, sweat making it lank and sticky. My cheeks ached as I smiled; I couldn’t believe our luck.
We stood staring at each other, sweat covered skin glistening in the fading light; we hadn’t had a conversation in a while, or kissed or shared a moment alone; just to be together. I missed it, the warmth of his skin, the cold metal ring that held tight to his soft lips. “Katie?” his voice was soft, like before when we were talking and laughing, driving through the blazing heat. “Yeah Frankie?” his eyes scrunched up as he smiled, deep brown irises hidden behind black framed eyes.
“I’m hungry!” I yanked my converse off and threw it, hitting him hard between his chocolate brown eyes. “You jerk!”

I sat with my back against a nearby rock drawing pictures in the coarse sand. “You still sulking?” his tone was sarcastic; my slowly ebbing annoyance flared again. He could be a real idiot at times. “No!” I hissed, I was really tempted to hit him, and it took all my self restraint to stop myself. He laughed, the sound echoing in the nothingness, “Oh yes you are!”
“Oh no I’m not!” it was getting all very pantomime and childish. “I’m so hungry!” I moaned quietly, licking my dry lips; Frank’s ink webbed neck looked extremely tempting now.
Light flooded the road as a small van pulled up, a babble of men’s voices coming from within; we’d struck gold this time. “FRANKIE!”