Tales of Darktown
Chia Pet
I rose at seven fourty three this morning. The same as usual. I had nowhere to go, no-one to see, and I wasn't sure who I was today. I looked in the mirror and saw an inflated Citizen Kevin. My ten fingers and toes has swollen to the size of kabana sausages and my glasses had sunken into the fat covering my eyes. An extreme feeling of hunger overthrew me, and I managed to stagger out to the garage and threw myself into my car. My ballooned foot found its way to the accelerator before my swollen hand could grasp the gearstick. I didn't know where I was going, but I knew it was forward, and the only thing forward in my garage was the rest of my house. The bonnet of my car plunged through the paper thin walls and stopped in the pool of my backyard neighbour's house. My arms covered up the doors and I couldnt see past my stomach to steer, and filthy water was rising in my car. I could feel the icy liquid seeping inbetween my rolls of fat as my eye sockets drowned in dust and chlorine. I was wearing gumboots.