Seven Days

Tuesday: Propose Day

Harima decided that since the flowers did make it into the house, the first day had been a semi-success. He would simply have to explain to Tenma that the flowers her sister intercepted were meant for her and not Yakumo. An easy fix to a simple mistake. He looked at the book's chapter for the day. "If you're reading this, then I assume yesterday worked well and you are not in any hospital. So today is propose day. This officially gives your subject the right on your wallet. Preparations for this day includes a decent dress, lots of perfume (thanks to the rose scandal at the beginning of the world), some love quotes memorized by heart, and an infinite number of other things based on your innovation and your budget. Bonus points if you make your own love song and extra bonus if you buy some souvenirs that she likes (there's high probability of this extra bonus as your subject usually likes anything for free.)"

Confusing as all hell. "Am I supposed to propose a relationship to her after just one arrangement of flowers?" Harima scratched his head and re-read the chapter. No significant difference in understanding. He decided he would just wing it.


"Today, students, we're going to read aloud your writing assignments. You had to write something in English and be able to read it to the class. Hopefully you practiced your pronunciation." The teacher stood at her podium. She went through her shuffled stack of papers and called out each student's name, prompting them to stand next to her and read aloud to the class.

"Tsukamoto Tenma." Tenma was so nervous she had to make a conscious effort to keep her chattering teeth from being heard.

"I-I decided to write a song in English." Her voice was barely above a whisper. She attempted to clear her throat then began to sing. "Whenever I see seems my world just stops...whenever I'm near you...I feel like I'm gonna drop--"

Will Oji Karasuma please report to the principal's office? Will Oji Karasuma please report to the principal's office?

Awkward silence followed. Tenma swallowed hard as Karasuma stood and calmly retreated from the room. She fought tears. Her second day was a failure as well. Without finishing her song, she took her seat and slammed her head down on the desk, face turned towards the window so no one would see her tears.

Harima attempted to console Tenma but he was called next. "I wrote a poem entitled 'Angel Divine'." Harima cleared his throat and spoke loudly:

Though star-blazed skies my mind contained,
The solitude of night my heart concealed,
Love's emotions were so fully restrained,
Thus did I hide behind a self-made shield.

And then you entered into my life,
Bewildering feelings, dazed and confused,
But you continued deeper like a knife,
Until my hardness was thus subdued.

What I never thought possible for me,
You've done and that I'll always treasure,
My heart burns fervent with love for thee,
Our souls delight in each beyond all measure.

And as you now place your sweet lips on mine,
I know for certain I'm enraptured with an angel divine.

The class clapped, amazed that something so sincere and...emotional came from the school's bad ass. Superbly proud of himself, he took his seat and turned to Tenma. "Hey, Tenma? What did you think--"

Snore. She was sound asleep.

"Yakumo said she'd stayed up nearly all night working on that poem for class." Mikoto whispered to Eri and Akira who nodded sadly.

Harima put his head down and didn't lift it until it was time to go home.
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I was too lazy to make up a poem for Harima to read aloud. Sue me. I got it here. They have some pretty poems there so check it out when you have time.