Seven Days

Wednesday: Chocolate Day

"Tenma, you can't just give up." Eri looked down at the brunette who had buried herself in her bed, refusing to even go to school.

"Yeah, this isn't like you." Mikoto picked up the book and found the chapter for the day.
"Today's an easy one." She nudged Tenma before reading aloud. "I am sure the creators of today were heavily bribed by the companies like Cadbury and Nestle for today is the chocolate day. Now it's your chance, or if you want to call it privilege, to bribe your subject. There's only one rule for this day, 'BADA AND BRANDED HAI TO BEHTAR HAI.' (Big is better.) So the choice is yours, but consult your finances before investing."

"Hey!" Eri shook Tenma. "You've started eating lunch with Karasuma. All you have to do is have a nice box of chocolates on hand to share with him afterwards."

Tenma suddenly sat up, scaring Eri and Mikoto. "You're right!" She pushed off the covers, revealing that she was completely dressed and ready for school including her shoes, and jumped out of her bed. "I need to go buy a box of chocolates to include in our bento lunches!"


Karasuma seemed to love chocolate. Not more than curry but enough to leave a talkative Tenma a mere two pieces. "I'm glad you like the chocolate!" Tenma giggled handing him a napkin to get a chocolate smear on his lip. Karasuma looked at her, puzzled. "You have a bit of chocolate on your lip."

"Could you get it for me?" He asked.

Tenma nearly turned to stone. Her arm moved on its own, gently wiping the stain away with a gentle caress.

"Thank you, Miss Tsukamoto. For lunch and dessert."

Tenma melted and turned red, nodding. "You're welcome, Karasuma."


It was a stroke of luck that Harima found Tenma walking alone after school that evening. "Hey, Tenma!"

"Huh?" Tenma turned around, spotted Harima, and waited for him to catch up. "Hi."

Harima fought to calm the butterflies in his stomach. "Do you mind if I walk with you?"

Tenma smiled brightly, having had an absolute wonderful day, and nodded. "Of course you can!"

'Oh, Tenma! My beautiful angel!' Harima cleared his throat and fell into step beside her. Occasionally their hands would brush, nearly sending Harima's heart into arrhythmia each time. They had turned onto her street when he finally remembered the chocolate. "Oh! Hey, I had a box of chocolate candies. I was wondering if you wanted some? Maybe the whole box?" 'God, that was lame.'

Tenma smiled up at him and put both hands on the box, attempting to take it from him. "Thank you for the offer, Harima! I shared some with someone else earlier and he didn't leave much for me. I can snack on these while doing my homework tonight."

Harima was the equivalent to a stone pillar, unable to force his hands to let go of the box. "O...kay."

Tenma tugged a little harder until the box was freed, slightly crushed from Harima's grip. "Thanks again. See you tomorrow at school, okay?"

Tenma went inside her house and shut the door.

It was hours before Itoko came along. "You are such a moron." She muttered, picking Harima up like as if he were nothing more than a sign and tying him to the back of her motorcycle as such.