Seven Days

Thursday: Teddy Day

"The problem with the chocolates is that by the time you are reading this step, its traces wont even remain in your subject’s body. There should be something tangible. Something she could show her friends and let them know how hot she is. So the Teddy Day got invented. The rule for this day is, 'CUTER AND MEHENGA HAI TO BEHTAR HAI.' And yes, don't forget to not remove the price tag before giving her." Tenma read aloud to Yakumo. "I can't give him a teddy bear!"

"Well, sis, you could try giving him something else."

"Like what?" Tenma looked at her.

"Something a guy would like."

"Like what?"

At this Yakumo shrugged.


It was simple. It was cute. It was Tenma. Harima snatched the green plush turtle off of the shelf and ran to the cashier. He knew she had a turtle. She would like a plushie one. He knew somehow deep down, she'd like the plushie.


Harima stood nervously in front of Tenma with his green gift bag, yellow and green paper sticking out of the top in a colorful display. "Hey, uh, Tenma."

Tenma looked at him skeptically. She had to admit that Harima usually acted weird. This was a bit more than the usual. "Hi Harima."

He rubbed his head and fidgeted about nervously as he tried to get the words to come out. Unable to be articulate, Harima shoved the bag at the bewildered girl and took off running down the hall screaming at the top of his lungs. "THIS IS FOR YOU, TENMA!!!"

Blink. Blink. "Thank you, Harima!" She yelled after him and looked in the bag. Her eyes doubled in size and she pulled the plushie out of the bag. "Wow! Thank you, Harima!" She hugged it to her chest then stuffed it back into the bag. Thanks to him, she now had the perfect gift to give to Karasuma.

"You can't give Karasuma a re-gift!" Eri protested. "That's just wrong."

Akira only stared at the girl.

"Tenma how would you feel if Karasuma gave you something someone had given him as a gift?" Mikoto asked.

"If it came from Karasuma, I'd have it sewn to my body so I'd never lose it." Tenma swooned from the thought. Her friends promptly gave up on that argument.

Tenma caught Karasuma after school in front of the school building. Wordlessly, she held out the bag for him and he took it. She stood there while he fished through the bag and pulled out the green plushie turtle. "Interesting. Thank you, Miss Tsukamoto. I have been looking for something to add to my turtle collection. This will do nicely."

She turned beet red with embarrassment and nodded. "Y-your welcome!"

"Would you like to walk home together?" Karasuma turned in the direction and took a step, causing Tenma to immediately follow along at his side.

Harima was livid. "That sonnofabitch! He took my gift from her!"

"Kenji!" A deep voice bellowed and a heavy hand landed hard on his shoulder, turning him around. "You owe me a fight!"

"Tennouji, I'm really not in the mood--"

"WELL GET IN THE MOOD!" Tennouji yelled, sucker punching Harima in the jaw. Once Harima regained his balance, he picked up his damaged sunglasses from the ground and inspected them. "How's that?"

Harima made a noise of disgust and threw the sunglasses back on the ground. "Well if you wanted a fight, you're damn sure about to get one."