Status: As of now on Hold

Welcome to Camp Half Hell

First Impressions

To say that I was in a shitload of trouble was an understatement. I had lost sight of my new 'guardian' and was now wandering around in a forest by myself. I felt my aggravation grow as I look at the sky, already a steady midnight blue which had streaks of red in it.

Great first impression. Or, second to be more precise.

My name's Acedia Lavrick. Middle name MoxiE. Most people call me Ace. Well, only the ones I like, anyways.

This all started earlier this morning. I was at the group home, doing my daily business of listening to music that some random girl from a nearby high school gave me for Christmas on an Mp3. I have to admit, I gave the girl props. When suddenly, my name is called to the front office. When I get there they decide to surprise me with this one bit of news: Adoption.

I always thought about my ideal foster parent. A caring kind couple that showed unconditional love, no matter my misdeed. They showed understanding; and they didn't fret about things that had happened because that was the past. I guess in all honesty I was picturing what I wished my real biological family to have been like..But all that thinking was shoved to the end of my mind. I am happy with my situation-even if it wasn't brilliant or anything. Never wish for the unrealistic. Simple, basic, always to be followed rule.

But, even I knew this wasn't going to be the typical adoption interview. That was saying something. I had a history of not-so-pretty interviews..

As I was bombarded with questions, statements, information my head began swimming in a whirl of confusion. Adoption? Now? So quick? Without an interview!?

Oh, apparently this was the interview.

I stared solemnly at the man who decided he wanted to call me his daughter. He sat clad in a red-burgundy suit that looked too formal to me. He had good structure, with a face that looked comforting. Wise. His lower body was in a wheelchair. The supervisor left the room to let us get associated with each other. I found this highly irritating, and apparently this man could see that. He was chuckling.

Before I go on, lets get uno thing clear: I'm not a friendly person when it comes to adoption.

I talked with this man, who told me he was known as Mr. Brunner. Right.

I don't think the guardians at the home really cared whether he was right for me as a parent, if I cared, or what. I just know by the time the meeting was over, I was now to the state known as Acedia MoxiE Lavrick Bunner. What a wonderful name.

Ok, so, back to the present. Basically this is whats going on now. Mr. Bunner, who now tells me to call him Chiron says I'm a very special person. Suck up. I wasn't really paying attention. Don't get me wrong, the guy was ok, I just wasn't that good of a listener. And then, I actually decided to pay attention to him and...poof. He's not there.

I let out an agitated sigh again, walking back the way I came. This was gonna be hell.
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Before I go on: Thanks for the help Bianx! You really helped me outta that stump!

Ok, This is your surprise MimZ!! Behold, a Percy Jackson fanfic. Not just any fanfic-I am allowing other people to post chapters with their own original characters and such. If they want to. :)

Here's my charie's chapt. Ill update as much as possible. Sorry if it isn't that good, but i actually like this chapter. In a bittersweet way.