Status: As of now on Hold

Welcome to Camp Half Hell

They Need You in Aisle Cabin

It was an irritating feeling, one impossible to ignore. Like a gnat that was begging to be swatted, buzzing around your face, towards your neck, out of your field of vision. When someone stares at your back, but you're hesitant to return the glare, because you're not sure what will meet you.

So, with these thoughts in mind, I turned to meet the eyes of my watcher. My focus completely broken, the flames that surrounded me dying in an instant. I blew my bangs out of my face, giving him a level stare.

"What is it?"

The boy smiled fondly, cocking his head slightly. He appeared to have been amused at my little charade. His appearance striked me as familiar, and I remembered in an instant who he was. That child of Aphrodite, the one who was either new or just a late arrival to the camp. He smiled wider, into a full pledged grin, and raised his hand into a waving Hi.

I just stared.

"Um, Hi! Your one of the new arrivals, right? I'm Jacob."

I raised a quizzical eyebrow at him, looking him up and down. "Your a little late on the whole welcoming committee thing, ya know." I turned around to grab my small little messenger bag, old and scruffy and still my most favored possession, then turned back around while pulling my hair into a messy ponytail.

He stared dumbfounded, then let out a little chuckle. "Oh, um, sorry about that. I just thought it'd be cool to meet one of the new additions to our family, and introduce myself."

I continued to stare at him, in what probably was percieved as a rude manner, then reluctantly smiled. I didn't know him, I didn't like him so far, but it was probably better at the moment to just play nice.

"My names Acedia. I'm a daughter of Circe, nice to meet you." He smiled, nodding, then began to talk, "Oh! I'm the son of Aphro-"

"dite. I know. It's kind of obvious."

He nodded, then looked at my hands. "So what were you doing just now? It looked cool."

Refusing to put on a performance, I shrugged casually, adjusting my bag ever so slightly again. "Just training my abilities. Nothing special." Just then a girl, Clarisse as Percy had told her, came over. She was wearing the usual camp uniform, walking in the significant style of a girl with a major ego trip. She smiled at Jacob, then looked at me. She was, as rumor had it, still contemplating whether to initiate me into the camp.

thing is, I wasn't about to let her.

"Acedia, right? Look, they need you in the cabins."

This surprised me, why would they need me?

I nodded, walking by Jacob, when she continued. "Oh, and Jacob, they called for you too. Along with that D.J. chick. Said it's urgent."

We both nodded, heading off to the cabins.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's not at all good, but its the best I got so far and I wanted to move this along :)