Punks Don't Wear Prada


Monday Morning
6:00 AM.

Beeep, beeep, beeep, beee-

I slammed my hand in the direction of the alarm clock, before pushing back my silk, magenta comforter. Gee-Gee, my little chihuahua, emerged from the under the mound of blanket, and started licking my face.

"Haha, Good morning to you, too!" I rubbed my eyes before bouncing out of bed.
I walked to my huge closet, and opened the door. "What should I wear today, cutie?" I asked Gee-Gee. He hopped off the bed and ran to my shirt shelf, barking. "The pink sweater? Or the yellow crew neck?" He barked again. "You're completely right, today's the perfect day to wear yellow. It'll say, 'Look at me! I'm so cheerful'" I reasoned. He barked once more, before running downstairs. I put on the yellow crew neck, then a pair of Hollister jeans, along with a pair of Juicy Couture yellow pumps. I exited my closet and walked to my white vanity. I picked up my hairbrush and brushed my long, silky-soft, blonde hair. I smiled at my reflection. I did my make up and walked down stairs, carefully so as to not slip on the carpet.

"Good morning, Mother," I said to my mom, who was leaning against the counter drinking coffee and reading the paper.

"where's Dad?"

"He had to go to a meeting he said. He'll be back by supper," she answered, without looking up from comics section.

"Oh. . ." I said. Well, I guess I'll see him later.

"Well, goodbye, I'm off to school." I pecked my mother on the cheek before heading out, purse and iphone in hand. My beautiful, pink range rover was waiting for me in the drive way.

Pressing my yellow pump on the gas pedal, I backed out away from my three story house and into the street.

I could already tell that today was going to be just perfect.
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Doesn't this layout make you want to throw up?

Hah, please tell me what you think.
