Punks Don't Wear Prada


11:15 PM

Walking as quickly as my pumps permitted, I burst through the double doors of the cafeteria and practically ran to Josh, my amazing boyfriend. He was sitting with our normal posse: Jess with his girlfriend and my best friend, Emma; John and John’s girlfriend Angela who happens to be Jess’ sister; Mindy, captain of the cheerleading squad; and Britany, who's kind of just there because her father's some rich inventor.

I tapped Josh on the shoulder. He turned to me and I covered his mouth with a kiss; I could feel him smiling under my lips and I pulled away giggling.

“Why hello, ” he laughed playfully.

“Scoot!” I said, and squeezed myself between Josh and Jess. Josh turned to me again but I dodged his grinning face.

“Are we still up for shopping?” Emma asked me, trying to prevent Josh and I from having what everyone knew to be a very vigorous and exaggerated make out session.

Trying to ignore Josh’s lips and still giggling a little, I said, “Of course. We can’t miss the major shoe sale.” Josh gave up and sighed.

“You girls are always shopping,” he whined. I threw a chip at him.

“You boys are always playing lacrosse,” I replied, and all the girls nodded in agreement.

To answer this Josh crashed his lips onto mine, and that’s basically how the rest of lunch went.

10:28 PM
Emma's House.

"Emma, Where's your Marc Jacobs' lip gloss?" I called from her bathroom, where I was re-applying make up that Josh wiped off with his lips.

"It should be under the sink!" She hollered back, "And if not, than my cat at it!"

"Will you girls hurry up!" I heard Jess call from downstairs where he and Josh were waiting for on us. "We'd like to be there by eleven before all the beer's gone!"

"We're coming -hold your pantyhose on!" Emma bellowed. I ran back to her room, "How do I look?" I demanded of her.

"Fine as fuck," she grinned, "Me?"

"Sexy as. . . uh, I can't think of any provocative words that begin with 's',"

"Hah, you're such a nerd, Dani." She laughed. "Slut?" she provided.

"Well I guess that works, if you'd like that."

"HURRY UP!" Jess hollered again.

"We're coming, we're coming!" Emma and I called out together.
With one last look in the mirror, we skipped downstairs to our dates.

Two Hours Later.

After a good two hours’ make out session, Josh and I emerged for a breath of air.

“I’m going to go get some drinks!” I shouted over the music and loud party guests.

“Okay! I’ll be here!” He shouted back, and plopped back down onto the couch.

“Emma?” I called after emerging into a large, stainless steal kitchen, where she was talking to three boys at once. "Hey Danielle," she smirked, obviously quite drunk.
"Where's Jess?" I asked, glancing around.

"He's outside, on the deck." She pointed to his tall frame, where he was entertaining a couple of girls. They have this weird relationship where they date but it's okay to kiss other people. It's hard to understand; Josh and I could never do it.

"Oh... are the drinks out there?"

"Nah, they're in here," one of the guys said. He was rather scary looking, with gauges and black hair. I swear I saw tattoos, too. Eww.
Regardless of his frightening appearance, I accepted the beer he handed me.

"Hey, you girls wanna play a game?" One of the other guys asked. He was dressed pretty averagely with a polo and some jeans.

“Okay,” I agreed, "Got any in mind?"

"OH MY GOD," Emma hollered, "You know what I haven't played in forever?" She didn't wait for us to guess. "Truth or dare! I think we should so play that game. I'd have a lot of fun. wouldn't you have a lot of fun, Dani?"

"Uh, yes Em, Truth or Dare sounds delightful."

Scary kid laughed at us. "Yes, so delightful indeed."

"Hey she's not a cheeseface!" Emma said. I think she was trying to defend me, but how exactly I'm not sure.

"Thanks Em. I'm going to go get my boyfriend and then we can play." I exited the kitchen.

"Hey babe, wanna play Truth or Dare?"

"Yeah, sure. Where's my drink?" Josh asked.

"Oops, sorry, I forgot to grab you one. They're in the kitchen though, and that's where everyone's at."

"It's okay," He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"You're so pretty, Babe." He said, and I blushed. "But, how about I stay here and you go play? Jess and I are going to leave soon anyways. We want to hit the gym in the morning," He playfully flexed his arm, and smiled again, his brown eyes glowing.

"Okay, that sounds cool." This usually happened.
We kissed goodbye and then I asked the people in the rest of the room if they wanted to play.
A handful of people said yes, so we all went into the kitchen.

"I'm back, and I've recruited some more players," I declared.
Emma gave me a very enthusiastic high five. "Saah-weet!" And scary guy laughed at us again.

"Let's get this game started!" She yelled, and passed a beer to everyone.

I could tell this was going to be quite a night.
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