Punks Don't Wear Prada


Another Two Hours Later.

"Truth or dare?!" Emma commanded of a short redhead wearing a green tank and a purposely-tattered skirt.

"Um, dare!" The girl selected, and stared at Emma expectantly.

"Okay I uh.. Okay... I dare you to uh. To Wait truth or dare?!"

"I said dare, Emma," the girl said, annoyed. Emma had been drinking almost none-stop this entire game, and was by far the most drunk of us all. However, all of us were pretty much wasted to the point of no return.

"I know,,"" said Emma, "I was just popping the quiz of the cherry. . ." She looked astonished when everyone burst into laughter.

"Well anywho, the dare is to lick that blanket." She pointed to a fuzzy, neon orange blanket that was thrown over the couch. We had moved from the kitchen into the dining room after most of the party-goers left.

"No sweat. I've licked hairier things," the red-head said with a smirk. Ewww.
She proceeded to walk to the couch, swinging her hips along the way. She protruded her tongue, and ran it along the length of the blanket leaving a trail of shiny slobber.
Seriously, who puts in that much effort? I thought.

"Nicely done!" Emma exclaimed with admiration shining in her blue eyes.

"Thanks, now it's my turn." She turned to me. Instantly, I thought, no no no, I've made it this far with only watching and passing out beers. I reallllly don't want to participate.

"Sooo, Danielle, Truth or Dare?"

"Uh, truth, please." I winced. Everyone was going to think I was a sissy. To mask this, I gulped the remainder of my beer and let out a loud, manly burp.

"Okay. Why do you think you're better than everyone else?" She demanded, her large doe-eyes determined.
Everyone in the room was suddenly quiet, waiting for me to answer.

"Uh, who said that?" I asked, bewildered.

"Come on, we all know you think that." She rolled her eyes.
I glanced around, looking for back up, but nobody said anything. Not even Emma.

"No, I don't." Why was she being so cruel?

"Sure you do. It's written all over your face. Actually, it's written all over everything you've ever done." She clarified, "So tell us: why do you think you're better than everyone else?"

"Well... if I thought that, it would probably be because... I'm pretty... I've got a gorgeous, loving boyfriend... My Family's rich... I'm smart... I'm a cheerleader..." I shrugged. "All those things are just the truth. It's not my fault. And it doesn't mean that I think I'm better than everyone." I pouted.

Redhead girl scoffed, and some people rolled their eyes. "Oh really? Wow." She said.

My mind was too fuzzy to think of a come back, so I just said, "Forget that. Dare!"

"Okay, I dare you to.. change." Redhead said.

"How so?"
"Get like that kid!" Emma pointed to the guy from earlier, with tattoos and black hair; he was talking animatedly to another dude with blonde hair about why marijuana should continue to be illegal.

"Yeah, get punk'ed!" Said Angela. Emma nodded in agreement, and Redhead rubber her chin thoughtfully.

"that's not a bad idea," said Redhead, "But he's not really punk. More scene/hipsterish."

"Whatever the hell that means," I rolled my eyes. "There's no way I'd do that. Or "become" that. It's disgusting. Plus my mother would kill me." I thought these proved to be reasonable reasons against this idea.
However, Emma did not.

"ALL IN FAVOR, SAY BEER!" She giggled before hollering loudly, "BEE-EEER!" with most of the other people chiming in.

"No fair!" I whined, "If you don't personally know me you can't vote!"
"But if you've heard of her you can!" Redhead counteracted.

"No fair..." I repeated, and was ignored. Emma and Redhead started chatting about a contract, and I left the room for more beer. After that, I can't remember a single thing.

And trust me, I've tried...
♠ ♠ ♠
i've completely re-written this chapter, instead of practically copy-and-pasting from the previously written work.
After this chapter, I promise it'll pick up, and not be so... blah. lol.

please tell me what you think?
