Punks Don't Wear Prada


Amy woke up in a start. She glanced around, trying to recognize her surroundings. She was lying on a futon mattress that she recognized to be her aunt's. She rolled over on her back and closed her eyes, trying to recall the previous night. She remembered drinking, she remembered kissing Jess, and she remembered the truth or dare game that involved a "contract" with Danielle Leigh Fillips. She grinned, eyes still closed, imagining the look on Danielle's face when Danielle realizes what she had agreed to. While Amy highly doubted Danielle would abide to the contract she and ten other drunken teenagers had signed, she couldn't help but relish the thought of Danielle finally realizing no one bought her little Miss. Perfect act. Amy and the rest of her peers spent their middle school and high school years idolizing Danielle with her perfect house, perfect car, perfect wardrobe, perfect everything.
Amy had sworn to herself that her senior year would be devoted to taking Danielle down from her perfect little pedestal and she intended to write every detail of it in an article for the school paper.

Amy decided to get up and eat some breakfast to try and cure her hangover. She swung herself off the futon and made her way to the steps; Her aunt lived in a basement apartment. The futon she was sleeping on was on the level floor of the house and it served as mutual grounds with her aunt's roommate, who rented the upstairs portion. Amy loved her aunt's roommate, her name was Drew and she worked at a tattoo parlor in town. Amy's aunt, Maranda, had, at one time, dated Drew. They moved in together and things seemed pretty great until Maranda cheated on Drew. They wanted to move out but couldn't afford it, so they just split the house into two apartments instead. Amy moved in with Aunt Maranda when she was thirteen because her mother had a bad drug problem and accidentally over-dosed one day. After that, Amy didn't want anything to do with her so she ran to her nearest relation. She loved her aunt Maranda, and she enjoyed living with her.

As Amy made her way to the kitchen, she heard her phone ring. She ran up the steps to the futon mattress and snatched her phone from under a pillow. She checked to see who was calling but the number was unknown. She wondered for a second if she should answer but her curiosity won.

"Hello?" She asked timidly.

"Amy?" A female's voice questioned.

"Maybe, who is this?"

"This is Emma, I was wondering if you knew where Danielle is?" Emma's voice had a slight ring of frantic worry to it.

Amy rolled her eyes before answering, "oh, hey Emma. Yeah, she went home with Merc, remember?"

"Oh yeah, now I do... Do you remember anything from last night?" Emma asked.

"Of course I do," Amy said gleefully, "I gave Merc the contract everyone signed last night and he should hopefully being giving it to her right about now," Amy glanced at the clock hanging on the wall opposite to the futon. It read a quarter after ten.

Amy heard Emma sigh on the other end before saying, "Listen, Amy. I don't think it's a good idea to remind Danielle about the stupid dare from last night. Really, it's just so dumb and there's no point in trying to make her go through with it. She won't and if she reads what was written she'll be really hurt. Danielle is really annoying with her 'perfect' life, but she's also one of the nicest girls I know and she would never understand why people would write what they did."

Amy rolled her eyes. Of course Emma would say something like this, Emma was Danielle's best friend.

"Yeah, you're right, it was mean and stupid. Honestly I'd hate for Danielle to read it, too, but it's out of our control now. Like I said before, I gave it to Merc and he's probably already given it to her." Amy feigned a pity voice and sighed sadly.

"Shit! When Danielle sees that I signed my name on that stupid 'contract' she's going to ball her little eyes out!" Emma whined.
Oh, so Emma wasn't worried about how Danielle would feel, she was worried about how she would react to her best friend's signature on a fake document describing how despicable Danielle was. Amy had to suppress a giggle. Emma was more pathetic than Danielle but at least Emma didn't hide behind her daddy's money.

"Well, I really wish there was something I could do, but I was drunk when I gave Merc the paper last night and I don't even know where he lives to try and get it back."

"Wait, Dani's at Merc's house?!" Emma shouted. This conversation just kept getting better.

"Yeah," Amy said.

"Amy, please, please, please, don't tell anyone she stayed the night there!" Emma begged in a high-pitched voice.

Again, Amy rolled her eyes. "Don't worry Emma, I won't tell a soul! Promise!" Amy really wouldn't tell a soul. She didn't want to hurt Josh, just Danielle. And she would comfortably bet that Merc and Danielle didn't do anything last night. Not only was Merc not the one night stand type of guy, but Danielle was so madly in love with Josh she would never do anything to jeopardize their relationship.

"Thank you so much! You're so sweet, Amy. I'll talk to you at school, 'Kay?"

"Okay, bye Emma"

"Bye Amy!"

Amy hung up and grinned. There was no way Danielle would not read the document. Even if she didn't do the dare, her feelings would be hurt.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, after about three years of ignoring this story, I decided I should probably finish it. I typed this chapter on my iPhone so I don't know if the italic coding took, or if it even still works for that matter. (Lol) leave me feedback? I don't really know how long I'll continue trying to finish this, but id love to know if it's worth it.