Sequel: Dear Aoife

Dear Whoever

Chapter 56

Chapter 56

It was a normal day in summer. It was about 85 degrees outside. A perfect day. I was listening to a Set Your Goals song and laying on my bed in a T-shirt and shorts. It was a laid back day. I was smiling though. Don’t ask me why but I smiled a lot. Okay, yeah, Paige accuses me of being in a honeymoon stage. But I think it has something more to do with the fact that things are finally going my way. I have great friends, an adorable and sweet boyfriend, and my mom and I have finally started to come to an understanding. Life, in terms, is sweet.

My phone rang and I picked it up. “Hello?” I asked.

“Hey, sister.” Aoife buzzed on the other side of the call.

“Hey, Aoife. What’s new?”

“Nothing much. Mark and I just got back from lunch. I thought I’d call to check up on my little sis.” Aoife told me. Mark is her boyfriend. She goes absolutely everywhere with him. She absolutely adores him.

“Ooh, I hope that Mark paid.” I laughed.

“Oh, he wouldn’t last long if he didn’t.” She responded. I laughed.

“Well what about your boyfriend little missy? Mom still don’t know about him?” She questioned. I could almost see her raised eyebrow through the phone. I rolled my eyes.

“No, Aoife. I’m not going to tell Mom about Teagan. She’d flip. Besides, he’s in Seattle. No reason to start a fight the boy isn’t even here.” I pointed out to her.

“What does he say about this?”

“Well, I mean, he says that he’s not going to push me to tell her but that, at some point, he would like me to tell my mom about him. I just don’t know if that’s ever going to happen.” I sighed.

Just then my phone beeped. I looked at it. It said I had incoming call, and the number was Teagan’s. I put my ear back to the phone. “Aoife, can I call you back?” I asked sweetly.

“He’s on the other line isn’t he?” I knew I couldn’t slip it past her.

“I’ll call you back! I promise.”

“Go flirt with your boyfriend.”
I put Teagan on. I know I should be used to talking to him by now. But I still get a little flutter in my stomach whenever we talk. It’s that whole thing about him actually liking me that just blows my mind.

“Hey.” I told him.

“Hey, how are you?” Teagan asked me.

“Oh, the same. You know, it’s boring around here. How’s Seattle?” I asked him. I was smiling a lot. I just can’t believe that Teagan actually likes me. I can’t believe I have a boyfriend. Even the word just sounds weird to me.

“The same as it always is. But I think I’m really starting to get used to this place. I mean, it’s not ideal, but I guess I can live here.” He told me.

“But you’ll still come to visit me, even if you end up living there forever right?” I asked in a joking tone. I could hear Teagan chuckle on the other end. I never told him this, but he has an amazing laugh.

“Of course, I’ll always visit you. But I don’t think that I’ll be living in Seattle forever. You saying you don’t want me to come back, cause I’ll stay forever if that’s what you want.” He laughed.

“Oh you’re hilarious.” I told him.

“I know.” He laughed. I smiled. “Where are you right now?” He asked me. It was obviously a weird question, and one that I couldn’t remember at all him ever asking before.

“I’m in my room, why?” I asked.

“Can you go to your front door?” He asked. I raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah, I guess.” I told him.

“Well, can you get to the front door right now?” He asked.

“Yes.” I told him while walking to the door.

“Open the door and you’ll find a surprise.” He told me. I raised an eyebrow. Did he send me something? What could be at my door that Teagan knew about? I was extremely curious now.

“Okay.” I said warily. I walked slowly to the door and opened it. I couldn’t believe my eyes.

Standing in front of me smiling was Teagan.

“Teagan?” I asked stupidly. He just smiled.

I closed the door so fast I could’ve broken it. Then I threw up my arms and put them around Teagan. He put his arms around me, too. We just stood there and hugged. “Oh my god. I can’t believe you’re here.” I told him. I broke away from his embrace. “Wait a second, when did you get back? Oh you jerk, why didn’t you tell me you were coming?” I asked him jokingly.

“Well, excuse me for wanting to surprise you.” He chuckled. I smiled not knowing what to say. I looked at Teagan’s eyes. A picture of him is nice and all, but it doesn’t even compare to how handsome he is in person. I still can’t believe that he’s mine.

“When did you find out you were coming back?” I asked him.

“Just a little while ago. My Dad’s still on tour, but my mom’s job in Seattle wasn’t as great as she thought it was. Her old job still had an opening and no one had bought her house yet, so we packed it up and came back. I just got in last night. Or else I would’ve come sooner.” He smiled.

I vaguely remembered giving Teagan my address maybe a week ago. I thought he wanted to send letters. I could’ve never guessed that he actually was going to come see me.

That’s when I realized that this guy kissed me right before he left. Does that mean I kiss him again? God it’s been so long since I last saw him. My stomach was doing flip flops trying to figure out what to do.

But Teagan wasn’t trying to kiss me. He wasn’t leaning in, I let go a sigh. I’ll kiss him later. Teagan and I, we’ve sort of began to start over. Besides, now he’s here. We have plenty of time for everything.

That’s when I heard a loud honk. Teagan and I looked back and his brother was in his car. “Hey! Romeo! Get your ass in here!” Daniel yelled. Teagan rolled his eyes.

“Well, I’ll see you later.” He told me. He kissed me on the cheek, and he left waving. I could almost hear his brother cursing under his breath as Teagan got into the car. I smiled as they drove off.

Teagan’s mine. He’s mine and he’s here. I couldn’t be happier. Sure, my parents may not know about him, but they might in due time. Sure, Trinity and Michael are going to be nosy. But I don’t care. I like Teagan, and he likes me. That’s all that matters.

I walked back inside closing the door behind me. Michael had now ventured to the couch. He looked at me and turned up his nose. “What were you doing out there?” He asked.

I could’ve been sarcastic. I could’ve told him to mind his own business. But I didn’t. I didn’t care about what he said anymore. “I’ll tell you when your voice goes down a few octaves.”
♠ ♠ ♠
LAST CHAPTER!!! Look out for the sequel to this story.... possibly being called "Dear Aoife" WARNING: This next book will be rated PG-13 for language.